Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Dr Sheen

I was surprised but pleased yesterday when I checked messages on my cell phone and found a message from E cardio, the company that does the heart monitoring and whose device I have worn I was done with the neutral (for the past 30 some days. I was done with the study, the company drone left a message on how to disengage from the machinery, pack materials materials in the boxes and send them back to the mothership. Now, I have to wait to hear back from my cardiologist Dr. Sheen. I'm pretty sure the test revealed nothing of damaged Or broken heart. This is okay by me.I just

I just don't know how Dr. Sheen is going to react. I mean really this whole exercise, 30 days, is finally done I bent to his well. I think I could rendered as much information in 10 days, even seven and got just as much information regarding my own ticker. I still think he was just pissed at me for coming back before the year's end. Now having said all this, let me go on the record to state that I believe Dr. Sheen is probably the best cardiologists in the West if not the oldest. This guy is ancient, he is a fossil but I can tell he knows his stuff and that it was probably a miracle that I got the cardiologist that I did. I think this guy has probably seen and done everything a cardiologist can do. True he seems a bit rigid and that's okay. I would rather have him push his educated well if that will make me a healthier person or save from death.D rSheen's actions may will catch a problem that I didn't even know that I had.

So my 30 day struggle is over. I broke the monitor just once and E Cardio had to send a backup monitor selected finish my trial. I thought it was kind of weird that 30 days is 30 days regardless of any time during that period that the monitor was not sending data for one reason or another. Again, I don't think it really matters, I think they had enough time to get the data thy needed, probably well more than enough time to pull an accurate conclusion. So, I wait to see what the grand old cardiologist is going to say. Until then I'll continue on with my life doing Wellness and figuring out what else I am going to do in the area of volunteering.

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