Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Maintenance Day

Blog November 20, 2013 – – Wednesday

I'm waiting patiently. I have an appointment at 11 o'clock over at Alpine medical to have my wheelchair looked at to see what it will take to have my chair more bearable by me. It's just little stuff this day I need a new armrest on my left side. I hope I'll be able to drop In have somebody see the problem and Install another. No big deal I'm afraid they will look at the problem try to review my insurance order in the part then install. This is the take weeks I don't have weeks. Probably more important is that I'm going to have them look at my foot pedals to see if there's any repair that can be done to fix the problem of my feet slightly off the foot pedal. This didn't bother me much until a couple weeks ago but I think I bounced the foot pedals off the street stressing out the connecting arms of the hangars to the main wheelchair. I again feel they're going to want to replace the connecting posts which will be just about 100 bucks apiece which is just a pain in the ass. I have not been impressed at all with the service of this provider, Alpine medical.

Alpine medical begin providing durable medical equipment and support for my insurance provider earlier this year. Until then I had been receiving services from an outfit called Magic Rest Medical which had some sort of a meltdown systemwide and my insurance provider canceled services which set in place irrevocable Consequences which caused them to collapse. So Alpine medical swooped in and took over all their accounts one of which was mine. They just don't give the same service as Magic Rest. So I've been slow to go to Alpine medical any kind support until I absolutely have to and now I'm there.

I'm still significantly involved with my Wellness program. I'm beginning to have doubts that this program may be the best option for me but I continue to go even though my service seems to be diminishing. I can't blame the program I knew that the physical Support was limited, With two therapy aides. These two kids do a great job but they're getting overwhelmed as more and more folks enrolling Wellness. I'm just finding I'm getting boned off equipment and not being able to get access to equipment which is not accessible for long periods of time. I really have always 60 min. to do my workout because the time of the day. I work out between three and four o'clock and really, want to get home during daylight if I can. If I go over four clock I really*get home very late and I am traveling in the dark. I'm still considering very seriously investing in an ergo meter, hand cycle device. The trade-off is, if I get such a device, I will have less contact with humanity than I already do, which is not necessarily bad but the easy way out and something tells me I need to keep connected/involved in life.Cancel; Still There Is a Very Positive Feeling I Get to Having This Equipment at Home and Being Able to Exercise Whenever I Wish Especially on Weekends..

So Dianne will drive me to Alpine Medical world begin the first part of my day with my wheelchair evaluation then killed time until Wellness this afternoon at three o'clock.

All in all I really am beginning to enjoy my retirement as it is.

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