Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Its going to be a Long Week


The Front-desk Secretary did not show up again today and the big boss called this morning a little after 8:00 am and was not happy that Ang was not at her station. I cannot say that the boss was trying to trap Ang but that is what happens when you are not there. Things are going down hill for the poor girl but she has brought a lot of this prejudice on her self. I just hope she is OK. That was this morning early. Cecilia brought in her boy who was sickly. Cecelia said the child had hacked all night long. She ended up making an appointment for the lad at the local clinic. I had a suspicion that when she left that was the last I would see of Cecilia today, Sure enough a couple of hours later I get the call: not only does the child have the flu but Cecilia also has a touch of the disease and she would not be in the rest of the day. I would not be surprised if this happed for the rest of the week or variations on this theme. So, this means I am sitting here making sure the phones are covered. There is only two others here besides myself but I m sending all the calls coming into the individual voice mails. I usually do not mind jumping in and covering, as long as folks know I am doing this because I am a Nice Guy—but, what begins to really piss me is when other staff start thinking this is what our operation is about…emergency phone coverage. This is just stupid pride on my part but I just hate answering the phone for the FNG like I am his staff support. Oh well, I love having a job so I better just mind my Ps&Qs. I am wondering what the “spill over” effect will be on the Big Boss on her return to the office whenever that happens to be.

The arm continues to heal. I was looking at the bicep this morning as I was getting into the shower and noticed there are bruise marks all round the bicep!! This cannot be right. Bruise marks. I know I have not bumped into anything which would cause these bruises. The bruising is consistent with someone, really strong, grabbing the bicep and squeezing the snot out of the tissue. The bruising amazes me in that obviously muscular contractions were violent enough to cause is bruising. I just might have to get a new doc after all. I was speaking with Julie- one of my crip friends-when through something similar to this last year. Julie ended up getting into rehab and doing the P.T. for a number of months and has dove quiet well. But, when she went to her MD about the pain and stuff her doc did the whole touchy feely thing even taking X-rays of the muscle and affected area. My docs do not seem to want to do anything. This is not the way medicine is supposed to be practiced.

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