Thursday, May 08, 2008


Last night was one of those nights that I should have been able to sleep but was wide awake by 3:15 am staring at the clock wishing I could get back to sleep for even just a few minutes. I was too excited to sleep, excited about getting up and getting into work and getting busy on some projects we have been considering for some time. So I had idea after idea rattling round my head and all I could do was rest stair at the clock and wait.

The city was wet with late night Spring rains—I could smell the farm where I was raised in the mornings air four decades ago. There was no traffic at the hour I was going to work this morning and I powered my chair down the center of the street with my eyes closed trying to remember another place in another time. I was early though about a half hour earlier then I usually get to the office. Rather then having the driver drop me off at my regular stop I got off at the Galavin Station, dead center downtown. I had drop off my mom’s letter at the post office since I did not get to it last night do o the pouring rain.

The morning was beautiful as I powered through the city, wet, clean and just waking to the world. I stopped by some flowers, a whole host of pansies and it made all the difference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You make all the difference in my world! Love the beautiful pansy pixs - quite colorful.

Love you,
