Monday, April 05, 2010

Caught in the Cross-Fire

Its Monday morning and its cold and rainy and even snowy at times. I am sitting here drinking coffee returning calls and emails wondering if Spring will ever arrive. I really need to learn more patience. I mean I have done the work, I know, KNOW, that the weather is very unsettled this time of year—it’s Equinox, I have studied it fo0r decades, since my days at the University. But still I wait and pine away by my windows wishing for warm dry weather where one does not have to crawl into a coat every time one wants to go out side. The Equinox weather just seems to be more sever this year, more rain and snow and driving wind until it occurred to me that it was Easter as well as Conference weekend!

Easter and Conference weekend, that would be LDS Conference weekend. Spring Conference is renown for having foul weather—it sort of an ecclesiastical joke. Bring hundreds of people, no, make that thousands of people together in what has become a rite of Spring and then dash them with cold biting winds intermingled with shards of ice disguised as snow. Maybe because this year General Conference fell on the same weekend as Easter or maybe it was because Easter is one week a head of schedule or so it seems, and fell on General conference weekend. So two major events for the local culture populations to be out and about going to Easter egg hunts or milling round Temple Square between sessions, perfect, ZOT!!

So that is the problem about living in a city which is the fountain head of a world religion one has to realize that Supreme Beings must too have their fun and what better way then to focus the faith promoting experiences on their chosen. And I should not mind, too much, I know where4 I live and I know that eventual the seasons will be called, or they will remember their calling and bring the weather I so desperately covet but until then I keep getting caught in the crossfire.

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