Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Homemade Garlic Chicken Soup

I am flummoxed and confused it's been more than a week since I last posted and the only excuse I have is that I've been sick, sick even to bed and that strange for me. Actually if you consult this blog you'll see last year at about the same time I was sick and even the hospital so maybe it's just a Fall thing. Whatever it is I don't like and I don't like it at all. Never missed more than a week of volunteering and a week of my Wellness program. I'm on the mend now, after laying around for a week or so but still I feel weak. I plan to ease back in my routine just to make sure.

To make matters worse, Dianne has come down with the disease as well but I feel The disease process seems to have worked hard on her as well. I'm a bit worried at how severe Diane seems to be ill. Dianne is drinking plenty of fluids and keeping some protein down. I hope she starts feeling better soon if not we'll have to take her in to the doctors as well. I was so bad I even went to the “Doc in a Box”. In fact Dianne As pot of homemade soup, garlic chicken homemade soup, on the stove simmering away even as I write. The house smells most delicious and I'm sure the soup will knock the socks off whatever I've got and whatever Dianne has got as well.

We have already begin experiencing autumn like whether, this is kind of nice but still a new season is beginning. The temperatures are dropping but the days are still nice and quite warm but the mornings are becoming wet and chilly. I really need to get one of my hoods out of storage to be ready for the colder days. Still being in retirement things are different I really only need to go in when I want be that volunteering our working out. It's quite stupid to be traveling in harsh weather if I don't have to and I don't have to. But I'll be out in the elements a little bit I like that something to bundle up against. So flu shots and good diet and lots of rest is my plan for staying well this Fall

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am sure having four seasons is quite interesting generally speaking.We have rainy season and dry season and sun all year round :)

Get well soon to you both.Take care.