Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Tuesday Afternoon

Don't you hate those little buggers in the back your mind that tend to bug you until you do something about them? My bugger right now is the knowledge that I need to suit up and go across the street to my market to pick up a few things. I'm not desperate because I have more than enough fixens for dinner And really I have one banana left which I will eat tomorrow morning. This of course means that I must do the market, for sure, on Wednesday. I sort of got into a food preparation thing this morning as well as putting some order to my freezer box in the refrigerator. I'm about out of food that I prepared, so that I make that I eat throughout the week. I need to make some more now to replace what I've tossed out. One of the major ingredients that I use is celery. I use it particularly in a rice dish I call Frank. If you search for “Frank” I think somewhere in my posts to this blog I have the recipe which calls for celery. I'm also on another solid binge so I need other items besides celery to include green peppers, broccoli, cucumber, yellow onion, red onion anything and everything that gives a good green salad a crunch. I was already the head over to the market earlier today but got sidetracked and all of a sudden I realized it was 3 o'clock time to listen to Market Place On NPR which I do every weekday or try to. I understand the local affiliate does a rebroadcast of the shower for evening at 7 PM but there's other things I need to be doing at that point in time. So now it's almost 4 o'clock and I'm really sorry lost my urge to do the shopping for today. I've got enough stuff, like I indicated earlier, to get. But I made the mistake when visiting with my neighbor across the hall. Billie indicated she needed a couple things to the market and of coarse I volunteered. She needs bread, milk and eggs, the standards. Now I'm wondering if she still needs those items and how bad she needs those items.

I think if I'm quick and single-minded. I have a history of wandering once I get to the market and looking at everything that I don't need. If I could just keep my focus to grab the things that are essential and better on my list I can be in and out in less than an hour's time if I can do that I can get the items I need and what items Billie might need and still get back five in time for the local news to begin its local droning. Even though I don't appreciate the local news and the national news I feel somewhat committed to watch and evaluate and get through that two-hour block of news time. So, going to suit up grab a big brown basket head across the street just because it's Tuesday…

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