Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!


It's a monumental task feeding thousands of people in one day. I don't envy the Salvation Army for the work they do but they sure do a good job in trying to do it. As I alluded to in earlier posts that this season of Thanksgiving rather than slave over producing a turkey dinner even just the basic bird and mashed potatoes and luck gravy forget all the other trimmings I elected to go with the Salvation Army Thanksgiving dinner giveaway which besides serving meals to the low income, homeless they also serve meals to seniors who sign up to receive such meals. I did that this year.

Today was one of those Thanksgiving days but I fondly remember: lots sunshine, and warm temperatures The kind of day it's perfect to be outside in the afternoon before or after the Thanksgiving meal served plain football on the front yard or just hanging around with cousins and friends. I was sort of caught waiting Not only for the Thanksgiving dinner from the soldiers of the Salvation Army but also my son Mark Anthony called and wanted to come to visit with my granddaughter Jasmine. I wasn't sure if you wanted to go out to Thanksgiving dinner somewhere or purchase the Thanksgiving dinner from any one of the restaurants in the community and bring them in. That wasn't a bad idea actually but utterly made plans of my neighbor Billie to have Salvation Army feast with her. The documents which was circulated announcing the feast indicated they would be delivered between 11 and 1 PM.

With nothing else to do on such a glorious day I went down to the front of the building around 10 o'clock in hopes that perhaps they would deliver the meals early closer hopes in vain but still it was nice to visit with a lot of other folks at the building here who had the same idea. We waited and waited 11 o'clock came and went than 12 o'clock and still no sign of Thanksgiving meals. I expected some kind of a big square pizza type truck or two that would come with piping hot dishes or trays of turkey dinners. By 12:30 PM the natives are getting restless and quite a crowd had gathered at the front of the building. And then miraculously at 12:45 PM small sized square back truck pulls up actually two of them into volunteers from Salvation Army get out and start unloading Styrofoam boxes of Thanksgiving day dinners. By this time Mark Anthony had shown up and he was without any dinner to speak of just yet. But we gathered our dinners and came back to Billie's apartment where we agreed to have dinner together. I'm not trying to be tacky but I'm thankful for the dinner no question about it but what we received was cold and not very appetizing. Billie and I knew our dinners and I split some of mine with my son Mark Anthony which I think worked out well. There's also pumpkin pie with what pastors with cream at one time lathered on top. Like I said totally thankful for the dinner and the Salvation Army folks who threw together and I think All things being equal that next year, provided I live that long, I'm going to cook my own dinner once again let somebody else benefit from the good works of the soldiers of the Salvation Army…

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