Friday, July 08, 2022

Thumbtacks And A Little A C



I did not need to, not really, but often on I need thumbtacks. I have a great calendar that I got I think for Father's Day or something like that maybe it was way back Christmas I don't remember. I really tried to use this calendar, I love the artwork but I'm having a challenge flipping the pages and keep in them so they stay up so you can see what month wherein. The only place I've found that I can secure this is on the bookcase on the other side of the room. I was really hoping the project to be relatively simple. After my staff left this morning I felt pretty good. Glory did a great job on my butt of putting the protective tape on my rear end so the jostling over to wherever I went would be uneventful. I had to wait around a couple hours after my shower this morning for the visit from the durable medical shop where they're sending out a technician to look at my body left, which I used to get in and out of the shower chair and into my chair from the shower chair when I'm finished. I use it only 3 times a week yet I cannot keep the thing charged but I don't know if it's the cord – – which I kind of suspect – – or the battery itself which may be worn out and is time to be replaced. I mean really, the technician “Danny” really didn't know a lot more than I did about this left except to say that it didn't work. He did pull some strings however I may have cut some cost off the end product. I'm sure it's going to cost me a body part somehow but I just want to lift the work that my staff will be bummed out about. I still believe in going to start looking for a regular hydraulic lift is operated by handcrank. This'll be a backup system. This will also be another piece of equipment that I had to find space for.

When Danny left I really did want to get out of the apartment so is put on my hat/cap and went across the street to the market to the dollar store which is now the $1.25 store and after a significant surge in asking one of the kids who works there I found thumbtacks a bunch of them. I now have 120 thumbtacks I only needed one to take up the calendar. And of course when I home and took out one thumbtack I could not get it into the wood on the side of the bookcase. Going to have to ask an able-bodied to do it or cut off a piece of that brown thick tape used to seal packages which I should done in the first place but I could safely argue I do need pushpin/thumbtacks from time to time. This posting was supposed to be about the Arctic Circle across the street from my apartment complex which closed its in-house dining area at the beginning of the epidemic a couple years ago and still has not opened that part of their business meaning the only way you can access ordering and picking up your order is going to the driveline. But I'll have to do that another time…

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