Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Curmudgeon… May be


Insurance broker clean up after presentation trolling for clients.

Isn't it weird how we age how would become the very things that we swore we never would? I think that's what's happening to me. I'm becoming a curmudgeon I don't know if you can say old curmudgeon because doesn't the word itself identify the individual as old and difficult? This really crossed my mind today as I was heading out of the building. I wanted to get to the market and do some shopping before my afternoon ritual began which is working out for an hour on my arm bike while listing to my favorite radio show on NPR Market Place. I had gone up front to check the mail which had not been delivered yesterday because of the holiday. Of course I ran right into the lunch which is being provided by one of the insurance brokers which tends to hover around the building trying to score new clients. I have to admit I was relatively impressed because at least this vendor actually had place settings at the various tables in the common room and it look like a fairly nice offering for lunch. I couldn't tell what it was like was a hot or just cold cuts with bread and whatever. And the ubiquitous small container of bottled water. I may state had they had real beverages like the old days. There probably is a health kind of thing circle like wrapping up the candies you are trying to give away. Immediately, I was being coaxed to attend the presentation by different residents , my apartment neighbors. I wasn't adamant but I certainly was not supportive of the whole event calling that “trolling” for consumers. It really does irritate me and we/the management of this facility and all the other facilities tend to support these brokers. I suppose it looks good like them trying to offer the senior as many options as possible. We've had a bunch of them this week because it's national enrollment week – – I think that's what it's called. I actually almost got in an argument with one of my neighbors (who by the way was not going to the presentation either but she had a doctors appointment) quirky tales getting upset because I Demeaning the whole project it indicating that it was not a free lunch when you had to listen to somebody drawn on by how great they were compared everybody else and really it's all the same. I'm sure there might be a difference here or there but by and large is the same buffet.

It was then I realized I tend to do this a lot especially when it's obvious they don't really care for the populations much of the care for getting them to take the benefit their selling. Today's look like a sitdown lunch relatively formal but this week is been also long sandwiches cut it builds short pieces offered to individuals with bottled water are the favorite godfathers pizza offered to be individuals with the bottled water. I'm wondering if these people are beginning to think I have a chip on my shoulder and you know what maybe I do have a chip on my shoulder. I was thought I was pretty balanced and okay but I've noted my cynicism's gotten worse over the years specially ended up living here, by myself relatively independently. I can see how folks could label me as such and you know what? That's fine with me. After I came home from the market I will pass the conclusion of the presentation. Everybody had left and the little presenter/insurance agent was cleaning up after the presentation assisted by the client support person here at the facility who I know pretty much set this up. I really like this person and I hate to think that she thinks of me as a chip on my shoulder are the curmudgeon on the 1st floor…

1 comment:

Dennis said...

You are right. These companies are not there to help senior citizens but only to sell their products.