Sunday, December 18, 2022

Christmas Magic


It's beginning to feel like Christmas. You notice I didn't put the exact quotation in their from the lyrics but just the same I'm beginning to feel stirrings of the Christmas spirit. I worry for one year to the next that I've lost the spirit are perhaps more to the point, the spirit has lost me. Traditionally, as the dedicated reader knows I like that somewhat disappointed in the whole Christmas morning ritual of opening the package is an having those packages deplete too soon and then been somewhat disappointed in the contents. A ballpoint pen, socks, dress clothes every once in a while a really neat thing when you're I got a cassette deck which was really cool back in the middle 60s. But overall I was kind of disappointed and effectiveness for Christmas stockings full of nuts, Christmas candy and an occasional toy of one sort or another. If it had dollar stores in those days that's remarkable to got the stuffing for the stockings. It was enough to get to buy Christmas night and make you believe you had a great Christmas. Perhaps, it was the beginning of heavy-duty Christmas media advertising in the early 50s and 60s that should kids getting exactly what they wanted on Christmas morning. But anyway, thank goodness of a grown up now I don't expect much things Christmas or otherwise… But here humbug somewhere? No not me.

I didn't sleep that well I got the message from Mark Anthony that we wanted me to happen hour earlier than usual at the restaurant for breakfast because Jasmine, one of my granddaughters, one to make sure we had enough time to decorate my apartment for Christmas. We talked about last week it certainly sounded interesting and possibly fun I thought surely shoot of forgot about the whole idea by now. I was afraid I wouldn't wake up in time to make the breakfast time but it just fine. I think I was awake every couple hours just to make sure. Sure enough Jasmine and Jaxon wandered in and the later Mark Anthony showed up. We had a great breakfast going over the week's events and Mark Anthony's work at being a DJ that one of Christmas events he'd been contracted to do. We had a great breakfast soon migrated over to the apartment and sure enough Jasmine jumped right in. Hold a tree out of the box it purchased for me over the week along with decorations and locating just the right spot. The only thing we came up short on was batteries for the Christmas lights. Seems the Christmas decorations did not come with number C batteries. We'll get those sometime this week I hope. But still tree is up is even a wreath on the front door! We found Jazz Christmas carols on the Amazon music station and worked at having a very Merry Little Christmas. We spent 45 minutes taking images in front of the Christmas presentation making sure that everybody got their images saved somewhere in front of the tree.

It was great putting together this little Christmas presentation corner of my apartment a tree, ornaments the lack of batteries for the lights it was fun and continues to be so each time I look at my little honorarium to the holiday season. But what's really important was the time with family all working at one concept and that is bringing Christmas and the apartment which, as I said at the beginning of this posting I think it did. Looking forward to turning down the lights and playing Christmas Jazz into the evening

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