Saturday, April 08, 2023

Easter Options


I cooked ham today, I cooked it for Easter it's that time of the year. But before I get to that, the ham, let me tell you about the rest of the morning. Finally, the sun rose on a perfect spring day – – well almost perfect. There is a little cloud cover a bit of a chill in the early morning but as the day went on it warmed up nicely almost perfectly. I really felt an itch to get out into the community and feel my spring's oats. Of course 1st I had to go to coffee with my friend upstairs Janet. We've been meeting for coffee on Saturday mornings the past couple of weeks actually months. Remember when I 1st started going with my friend Billie? That's when Janet joined us but then Billie died so it seems like it's just me and Janet right now there has been some interest by others but nothing that's been long-term like the 2 of us. Anyway, I went over met with Janet we drink coffee till about 1031 our ways.

Now, the dedicated reader knows of my pathetic quest to try to capture the joyousness of holidays and I like to do that by cooking whether it's a turkey at Thanksgiving a nice roast beef at Christmas and of course Easter is the ham! And I always tell myself I'm not only do this again. Cook a piece of meat that sizable for a whole family/group of friends for one person and then I go ahead and do exactly that. I really need to be in therapy no doubt about it. Because the morning was so beautiful rather than going across the street to the Macy's which sometimes I think there meat is little sketchy I jumped the bus and headed south to Walmart. I learned I can find almost anything at the Walmart in today the ham was no different. It took me a while of searching. The hams are big and bulky and the just dumped in the been so I have to search and move things around and try to find the most humble ham I could find and buy humble I been small. At least I'm trying to take steps into sizing down my holiday needs. It took a while I finally found a ham with bone in rested at the bottom and over to the side where it had been pushed by other ham searchers probably looking for the bigger the best. The smallest ham I could find was a little guy weighing 7.5 pounds. And it was bigger than I wanted but if I wanted to go smaller then I would get the little bitty ham packages of usually sliced pieces of ham that's great for sandwiches but doesn't seem to give the feeling of a holiday like you need for Easter or New Year's.

So I purchased the ham as well as a aluminum cooking container. I found it much simpler just to take the aluminum container the items cooked in a just throw it out rather than having to wash up one other huge item. I found what I thought was the box I needed to put on my lap and try to hook up with my hook stick because I also had a couple other items not Easter related but still things I needed. Some the only box I could find was very unworthy I'm surprise is able to get the whole mess home. I really haven't discussed this issue I'm having about almost falling over in my chair one side. I'm having to hold myself up with my left arm anymore but this is very difficult to do with a box of on my lap of ham and other items it took me a long time to get from Walmart to the bus stop. When I actually stopped in the street last trying to cross and helped me cross the street like I said it was looked pathetic but it wasn't going to stop me. I eventually got home and through the ham directly into the oven 325° for almost 2 hours that's 15 minutes per pound roughly. My house smells like a holiday and I love that I now have to get the ham out of the container it was cooked in then figure out what I'm going to do with it. I'm thinking of whacking of large segments of the ham and throwing it in freezer bags and put into force of this ham in the freezer and then just eating the rest of the bone as the week goes on next week. I also made a pot of rice so I really could be up for stirfried rice as well I have many options.

I don't totally pathetic purchasing a ham for one person. But it makes you feel like the holidays (whatever holiday I'm experiencing) and maybe that's as good as I get to enjoying the holidays my way. Sure wish I get a hold of some Clover club potato chips

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