Thursday, August 02, 2007

Gimps In The Park

I had lunch with the Russians, today, day four or five of the visit( I loosing count and I am getting tired). More chicken and rice but not bad. The meal was sponsored by a local government agency, which services people with disabilities. The Russian dude with a disability, I wrote about the other day is really beginning to get under my. Today the guy rattled on about how people with disabilities in Utah need to be careful about being to militant or the power structure will take the advances made over the past three decades. Phfffft—this comrade knows not of what he speaks. I think he’s a sell out or someone who never has had the passion for freedom or real independence. I gotta go—tonight I am going to do Russians an Gimps in the park then one more meal on Sunday and the Ruskies are headed out.

I am surprised the Gimps in the Park seemed to be a success even though the tennis exhibition bombed because the local para's bailed but the hand bikes was a definite success. Heavy dark clouds threatened the event with gusting winds , a few drops of rain and some lightening flashes but everyone had a good time. I'll load images tomorrow or Saturday. Even Aundrey was in a good mood but he did not try the hand bikes. I am glad we went.

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