Thursday, August 16, 2007


This was the day I was going to put the push on developing materials for next weeks board meeting but last night was a loss as far as sleep goes and today I existed in a fog. I covered a meeting for my boss which took three hours out of the middle of the day and then there is the on going office crises :a key player injured her leg and everyone is jumping in to help make a conference scheduled for next week goes off as planned. I got the news that Monday morning I am to burn 10 CD-Rs for the conference and I think I start my P.T on Monday meaning I’ll be leaving the office about 2:30 or even 2:00. All of this biting into the last day I have to prepare for my board meeting. Tomorrow I have taken off to take Dianne to the hospital for her colonoscopy. I will most likely be needed to be round home the rest of the day. Maybe just maybe I’ll try to sneak into the office on Saturday or Sunday and try to get some work done then.
The callers I did service today were beyond strange and all necessitated I spend extra quality time with them; one caller coming in at twenty minutes to five and lasted till half past five. Seriously even if I did not have the day with weird calls I doubt I would have had the energy to have done much prep.
There was good news though; my buddy Marty from Logan called for the office person who had the accident. My Buddy Marty is the guy I have gone to Washington DC and helps me out in oh, so many professional ways. Marty actually lived in DC as is well connected on the Hill. Marty is a “go to kinda a guy. Anyway, when we were in Washington and Marty was pushing me all over the nations capitol, he promised to take me to NPR headquarters. I don’t know why but I have an unnatural desire to see NPR get my picture taken in front of the building. We never had a chance to get to the news agency. Meetings rang long, opportunities to meet with senators un expectedly popped up and soon our time was up and we were headed home. I good naturedly reminded Marty of this and we laughed. He informed me he had called to ask my injured work mated to me interviewed for a segment on the NPR show Morning Edition. But since my workmate was down for the count, Marty asked if I would consider being interviewed for the show. Sure! The only drawback is would I would have to drive up to Logan. I thought about the drive and then said “sure”. So I have an appointment to be interviewed in Logan at 1:00 o clock, a week from tomorrow I am fairly excited. I am sure I can justify the trip as Outreach and drop off a bunch of posters at Marty’s office. But NPR, me?

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