Monday, August 20, 2007

Help Me, Save Me from the Medical Model!!!

One of the *techs at the rehabilitation unit broke the arm to my wheelchair, my power chair, my primary means of transportation. This really messes me up especially with my Board meeting tomorrow morning. Luckily it was the bolt which holds on the arm of my chair on the left side which is the side I transfer on. I a sure I have written this all before from the last time the arm broke but I am not going back to find it now. The are was up from when I transferred onto the examination and when the tech moved my chair out of the way( with the power on) she backed my chair into the wall with the arm extended back like it was the bolt connecting the arm to the chair sheered and that was that. Calls were made and pleas were made but as yet no fix is coming and I think I shall have to “limp” into work and my board meeting without the arm on my chair. I can do this, I don’t like doing this but I can.
As I have said before, I hate having to re-enter the medical model. The nurse practition is great, comes highly recommended and seems through. But she wants to run tests! Horrible tests, recommends I wear tent hose and basically upset the apple cart I have worked forty years to establish. I really believe deep down in my heart and soul doing some of the things this practitioner wants to subject me to will start the process that kills me. I know I am sounding the boob, but that is what has always happened to be before, once I see a doc for anything requiring tests and a stuff its all over. So beginning in September I will start my PT—but I will be getting blood drawn and all kinds of tests done. I will do two session of PT per week for about ten weeks or until my insurance is depleted. New cushion, maybe new muscles and over all evaluation, I’m scared to death.
The first of the day I spent worrying about the Board meeting, trying to print some hand outs which showed enough data for our operation to look good as well take up enough of the board members time to feel they had attended a good meeting. I took calls and helped with the general Monday chaos. This Monday was a bit different the usual Monday since our parent office is hosting a five state Self advocate conference. So staff was hustling back and forth to the airport picking up attendees, last minute coping, compiling and messaging and somewhere in the milieu I got invited to lunch with my boss and the Keynote speaker. What was even better I had been working with a “walk-in” customer. An old guy braced up in some sort of exoskelton wanting to buy his soon( who also has some sort of disability) into the social security system. I spent time with the old guy and at the end he thrust a twenty at me. When I tried to decline he turned and walked away. I advised my boss and tried to give her the twenty who looked at me like I had thee eyes. So I kept it and joined boss for lunch. The keynote( I don’t know her name yet) seemed really cool and is a real writer. She listened very well as we ate asian cuisine and I talked.

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