Monday, August 27, 2007


Tomorrow is Dianne’s surgery an I am getting a little bit nervous. I should not because I am not going under the knife, Dianne is. St mark’s just called, a call which should have gone to Dianne but defaulted to my cell and to me. Something about having to get a social history on Dianne; the little things before the big things, but the hospital could not get Dianne to pick up the phone. Dianne seldom picks up the phone rather letting the call go to the answering machine or at least checking the numbers on Caller I.D.) and answering those calls she want or needs to.

I am crossing my fingers and hoping all goes well and that this surgery will be helpful in reducing Dianne’s pain awareness. The trials were successful so every indication suggests the implant will be successful as well. One night’s stay in the hospital and I should be able to bring Dianne home on Wednesday and hopefully the recuperation process will be low key. I have arranged to take off Tomorrow and Wednesday to be the good husband/partner.

So tomorrow at 12:00 Dianne needs to be at St Marks and from there ride begins. I wish I could write more but honestly my mind is a blank.

1 comment:

riptideselkie said...

Good luck! I love you both!