Saturday, September 07, 2024

1 million bucks

        Remember when a million used to be a large number well I mean it's still a huge number that goes without saying but a million just isn't what a million used to be especially in the sense of money. I remember when the person was a millionaire they were pretty rare. If you had a million dollars you could pretty much do whatever you wanted for some time. Having a million dollars was like you would never have to worry about anything for the rest of your life but that's not true anymore. Anyway that's what I feel. Granted million bucks is a lot of dough but you could easily spend it out if you wanted to. In fact there's a lot of houses that cost that much there's a lot of houses that having that much money would not cover the cost of this house and they're just like regular upscale properties. They're not some giant mansion like in the Avenues are the North End of Boise. Each Community has a place where the rich people live come the place where you want to go for Halloween when you're a kid because they gave away full size candy bars. You can get a lot of stuff with a million dollars but at some point you'd have to watch your your money it's not like you could endlessly be Reckless spending like one feels one could at one time. Did you know that at today's prices of cars about 25,000 for a new vehicle that's a little bit more than a lot of the vehicles but I use that as a easy number to work with but if you had a million bucks if you could just pay the money and not have to pay any of the other stuff you could only get 40 vehicles out of a million bucks. That's a lot of cars no question about it but it's certainly finite but if you wanted to check out SUVs or trucks or whatever the number goes down significantly.

If I Had a Million Dollars, right this minute, I would buy a tricked out wheelchair van and a place to store it and of course insurance and such for at least a year. I would even include in that cost the price of a driver/ mechanic someone to house the vehicle. The driver would have to be available 24/7 and that's kind of stupid for me because I never have that kind of use for a vehicle but it would be nice to have just in case I did need that kind of support. I could buy a house not necessarily A upscale house but maybe a fairly nice property in a fairly nice neighborhood. This would seriously diminish the amount of money I have in the account Maybe by even a third if not a half. One could get some toys but you'd have to be careful on what you got and how much you paid for them. I could see them shrinking your pot quickly. One could travel even having someone to go with you as an attendant. You know someone to do this suppositories the bathing that kind of stuff while you're on the road. I don't think even if I did a trip it would be very long. I like being a homebody but who knows the million bucks in my pocket I can do some serious travel. But I would probably one of those weird people who had the check someplace in the house and never cashed it or put it in the bank. That kind of stress is just too much. I'm not ready for a million maybe next year

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