Friday, September 27, 2024

Window on the world

 I think I've ranted on before about the debacle they've done across the fence from my apartment complex and specifically out my bedroom window. They basically turned down 3/4 of the park All The Pavilions all the bathrooms all the other pieces of things that make a park and they are rebuilding the project now. There was a major skateboard park facility that teenagers loved now of course they tore that out and are rebuilding that. At one time just outside my window there is a berm, amount of dirt on the other side of the fence that separated their property from our property it was a nice grassy Hill which quite protected the building from the outside world. They actually put a new Street in this area meaning they had to entirely remove the berm which now exposes me to all the traffic on a major thoroughfare just west of our building as well as all the construction going on the park. The way they have things laid out on the new park does not look like they are going to replace the berm which means the illusion of separation and quiet and peacefulness will be gone. During the day this looks quite Dreadful actually the view is almost Industrial just car after car after car. The park itself is relatively busy with dump truck after dump truck either taking things away from the park are bringing new dirt into the park to build up some of these projects they're working on. It's just busy busy busy and luckily I've gotten used to it pretty much. One thing I've kind of enjoyed however and I say this somewhat quietly kind of shocking myself is the view of Redwood Road during the dark time the dark. I've included with this posting the image outside my window on the world. It shows the activity to be quite busy on Redwood Road on a Friday night people going out on the town. They've already come home from work and it's Friday night out. It's still too early for any basketball games and of course there is a host of high school football games going on and who knows what else is going on on Friday night. I know I'm not going anywhere. But it's quite interesting sometimes to sit here turn off the lamp above my bed and watch the world go by and try to imagine all the places these people might go. It might be really interesting to see what happens on nights like Thanksgiving and particularly during the Christmas season as people go back and forth to events and shopping. Maybe I'm just trying to put the best face on another minor challenge in my life.

The closest person I have to a cleaning person came over today to spend a couple hours on my apartment. She used to be one of my caregivers couple years ago. That's how I met her. She amazes me because her life is always in a whirlwind of confusion. However today I was pleased to hear that she had found a place to live that she can afford which is very difficult in the Salt Lake market right now. They reduced her work hours to the point that she is significantly low income meaning that she can basically be guarantee the money she does make will cover her rent. She works extremely hard I'm always glad to help her out if and when I can. I worry about her but she always seems to survive and today is the calmest and most upbeat I've seen her in the number of months I hope it lasts…

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