Monday, September 30, 2024

Last day

 This is it the last day, I kind of wish I could have accomplished more this month or even this day but I've been kind of enjoying my digs now that they've been cleaned up a bit. Gloria, one of my caregivers or has been one of my caregivers, stopped by on Friday and did some cleanup around the place. Glory does the exceptional job usually around 2 hours of time. Floor swept, sometimes mopped, dishes washed mostly put away tables cleaned off that's always a biggie for me. Nothing makes me feel more like the apartments cleaned and cleaned off the table. It's all illusionary. I understand this but still it makes me feel good. She's relatively inexpensive. If I worked it out it would be $10 an hour plus $10 for wash money. Gloria usually contacts me when she's out of quarters. Then she'll come over and do the apartment for a couple hours and quarters a conversation so all together it's 30 bucks and some great conversation. I would really like her to come over and spend some time on my study area where I have my riding materials and my artistic materials and my library. When it's clean the area is quite cozy and I have enough Lighting in the area but it's just a great place to hang out especially in the winter time when it's way cold outside and you just want to snuggle up draw, read or just go through old books. Otherwise if I don't get this area cleaned up it'll just get more and more congested and messy. I need somebody strong who can make me throw stuff away. That's a point in my life where I am right now I need to start getting rid of stuff and I think this paperwork stuff might be the best way to start. I mean if I'm not interested enough to go through it I doubt if my people who survive me will be as interested. The kids might be and so I might save what I think are some of the better pieces for them they let them do whatever they want to with them and the rest of the materials that I don't destroy.

I did work out on my arm bike today. I really enjoy Mondays because I usually don't work out on Saturday or Sunday, Sunday for sure. So it's like getting back into the full workout mode on Monday so. I usually listen to some NPR show while I work out that eases me through the one hour or 60 minutes. As the true blue reader knows I do 200 minutes a week and so the first three days of the week get me to almost my mark. Following that, reaching the 200 minutes, I usually skate the rest of the week. So following the workout I crossed the street and went to the market as well as to the dollar store we're just now the dollar and a quarter store. I'm running out of boxed milk so I tanked up on it. I got five quarts should last quite a while. I also picked up some cleaning materials it was pretty productive. Like I said not a lot going on today but not bad either for the last day of the month..,

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