Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Medicine and ice cream perfect day!

 It's crazy I just realized that other people are reading this blog. Every once in awhile I suspect are expected someone to trip across the document but now I'm beginning to realize that some are following it relatively closely. Some are even leaving messages or comments. I didn't start the blog for comments in fact I don't think I want comments that's why I didn't even know about the comments till the other day when I was doing something else and noticed there were comments about some of the things I've written about. What a shock really made me consider what I was writing about except for I was brought around to the concept once again I'm writing not for anything in particular as much as I'm just writing to keep myself writing if that makes any sense? Hopefully, someday I will write something worth commenting on but until then keep throwing his little bits of fluff out into the universe and get surprised when there's a nibble or something on them.

I had a doctor's appointment today. Luckily, it was a follow-up appointment and everything seems to be going okay so there wasn't a lot to really talk about except how good I seem to be doing which of course makes me feel pretty good. At the scheduled appointment for the middle of the afternoon 2:15 p.m. hopes to lighten the stress of trying to get the bus ride into the office on time and it worked. In fact the only drawback is have a keep myself busy until the time of my appointment. The doctor's appointment was really the only thing on my agenda today and that's just as well. I still ended up waiting for the doctor for about 20 minutes but that's all right no problem there. The room was a little chilly but not bad. I laid back in my chair and read stuff on my cell phone. I stopped into the main hospital on the way back to the bus terminal and actually got an ice cream. They don't serve ice cream cones anymore I don't know why. Probably something to do with hygiene or something the best you could do is get the ice cream that you want in these two sizes of plastic cups I took the smallest that's all I needed but the serving of ice cream still seemed quite large. The reason that I like this ice cream so much is that it's hard ice cream, the kind that has to be dug out with one of those scooper things they always keep in the water next to the ice cream tubs. The person who dug the ice cream out did a great job of packing a lot of ice cream into the small container. Cost $1.65 which seems like a deal compared to everything else these days especially for a confection like ice cream. I probably shouldn't have got the treat but I sure enjoyed it. I ate the whole thing which kind of surprised me because I kind of promised myself I wasn't going to and have a little bit to throw away but by the time I was down to the bottom of the ice cream Bowl I had decided that there was going to be no survivors, I was taking no prisoners and I would even lick the bowl if I thought I could social get away with it. It was a great experience. I sat near the windows overlooking the flight deck hoping a chopper would come in or leave. Seems like a slow afternoon however there are group of guys standing around an ambulance on the flight deck, I thought at first they were waiting for a delivery but that never seemed to happen. I ate my ice cream and then headed towards the bus depot to catch my ride back too the apartment complex. I actually got back in time for Marketplace, my favorite radio show, they just laid back or kicked back for the rest of the evening finishing the Marvel movie that I started last night…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your stories are very comment-worthy. They are most enjoyable to read even though they may only be a means to keep you writing, they are much more than that to those who read these.