Sunday, January 06, 2008


The storms finally came in but not with the severity promised but that is just fine by me at this point in the Winter. I have had enough cold weather, snow, ice and general inconvenience. I still was expecting more weather then we got. Perhaps with the media giving all the attention to the “monster” storms seemingly going on all round the country; I was expecting more. I have spent the weekend inside reading my Stephen King. The book is Desperation and I have thoroughly enjoyed the read. I really should have got more done but I am being lazy this first week of the new year.

Mid after noon we received a call on our home land line. I, of course, was not able to get to the phone before it went to recording. I checked to see where the call came and the phone identified the call as coming from Boise, where the bulk of my family reside. It could also be from a friend from my past but I sincerely doubt anyone from my past looking me up, Dianne hit “redial” and handed me the phone. I hate this but take the phone and say “hello” and to my surprise it is Mom! She sounded great as she had done the past couple of weeks but I was still a bit surprised. Since Mom entered the LTC (Long Term Care) facility she has had to cease all the calling she had been used to, do to the cost. One has to realize my mom lived(s) on the phone, relentless call family and friends. This past year must have been dreadful for her. However, today she sounded bright and chipper. In the course of the conversation I learn Mom has a new cell phone and is learning to use it. It seems my little sister, Linda, gave mom this piece of technology for Christmas. This is too cool, but I am a bit chagrined. I have been harping on mother for the past year to get her self a cell and to use. Each solicitous suggestion I have made she has refused saying she could never understand how to use such a piece of technology. Perhaps the isolation of being in her living facility, the lack of determination this whole end of life struggle has been for her or the desperation to hear the voices of family and friends has driven her to the little communication device. I have this vision of this little 96 year old lady huddled over her little plastic Cricket getting used to the keyboard and the screen on the phone. Linda did program all the numbers into the phone so I assume my mom is just having to figure out how to get to “Her directory”. I imagine she will be confused, just as I still am, when my cell alarm goes off or worse yet, when the buzzer/vibrates announcing a call coming in. I still, usually, lose the call and have to search ‘recent calls’ to back track the call to see who wants me. Mom continues to surprise me—she took to her powerchair finally, and I suppose she will take to her new cell with just as much or more gusto.

I guess it just takes a little sister…Thanks L.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mom is doing better with her cell phone. It is taking her some time to get familiar with it...I have programmed 1-touch dialing into it for all of her long-distance dialing and posted the list on the wall next to her. That way she can see who she wants to call, press 1 button and it dials the number for her!! A small victory to be sure, but certainly easier than using a phone card with so many numbers to input. I will continue to remind her gently about charging the phone regularly and how that works...but I try to see her a few times each week, so I just check it when I'm there. For all reading this...please continue to call her on her regular phone number rather than using her cell phone number - I don't want to overcome her sense of freedom with too much technology at once!!
Love to all, Linda