Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Homeward Bound

It happened again today, I was heading out the door to catch the train. Rain had come during the night and I was visited with just the lightest fragrance of sage—which immediately reminded me of sagebrush. This has happened a couple of times in the very early mornings, after rainfall. I have no idea where the odor is originating from, Murray is urban just concrete and steal and lots of plastic and pollution. But I do love the smell and I love the way this fragrance takes me back to my South Boise home, a small 17-acre farm butted up against the New York Canal and the desert beyond the canal which was loaded with sagebrush.

The sagebrush which used to live behind the farm and then canal is pretty much gone now unless one goes a lot further South but the area has filled up with homes and industry. Civilization creep has and is taking over the desert. In fact our farm is long gone replaced with the “Centennial” sub-division. I hope the mornings of Early Spring and Fall in South East Boise continue to be haunted by the rustic aromas but maybe those aromas are gone so much like everything else from my youth Maybe what I am really experiencing is as a gift, maybe I’m finding a map which will lead me…home.

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