Monday, November 28, 2011

Kaiser Rolls are not Hambuirger Buns

We just got back from the lunch out for Frank's birthday—we shut the office down, bundled up and trooped a coupe of blocks over to the Red Rock brewing Company (RRBC). I have never been impressed with the RRBC, the place is over priced, under menued and just plain elitist—Bonnie from the office pointed out the place was too white for her taste. I understand. Today though, I was really disappointed in the place. In the past I had ordered major sandwiches like hot corned beef on rye( forgot the for this entry) which was OK, expensive but too much for lunch and I hate dragging sandwiches back to the office. So, I ordered the hamburger—I figured how bad can that be, the least expensive thing on the menu and a hamburger—really, make a paddy and cook till the meat was safely cooked and served with the appropriate accoutrements.

I was shocked when our order arrived—everyone's sandwich really was not a sandwich but something wrapped in that weird wrap from the Middle East pita! Seriously, Pita? Nothing but pita, but I was so dismayed when the downloaded my hamburger(?) two piece of ground beef wrapped in the pita stuff. I did not see anything like pita in the menu. I definitively would not have ordered this item even if I had remotely thought they would serve hamburger wrapped in pita. I sent it back and asked for any bread product the kitchen ha that resembled HAMBURGER BUN.! My order returned a few minutes later in a kaiser roll—which was weird but acceptable. The hamburger offering was too much meat for the humble kaiser roll—it was then I realized mustard did not come with my order. A small vessel of catchup came which I supposed was for the french fries –and there was enough to use for my burger so that was cool but no mustard and our server was no where to be seen, rather then wait I powered my chair up to the kitchen and finally snagged someone who delivered the mustard. I can forgive a burger if the burger has the right coverings you can hide a lot with onions, lettuce, cheese etc...well there was no etc with my order and this etc was pickles. No pickles and at this point I did not want to fight for my pickles. I would jut tough it out and eat my cold meat and get the heck out of there. No pickle?

So I proceed to eat what ever it is I am eating and the meat in the paddy is not done, the meat is raw in paces I almost gag but I pile the mustard on (when it finally gets to my table) and try to enjoy my sandwich—and the sandwich is OK. I rally wish I had taken a picture of this hamburger. I worked my way through the first half of the offering and started the second and then things began to taste funny. I swear a bloom of rotted meat exploded in my mouth, will maybe not exploded maybe the sprouted like the beginning of a toothache—when you're not sure and really don't want to know the realness of what is happening to you—but that was enough for me. I swallowed the bit but stopped there and covered the rest of the plate with my napkin hoping I would not get sick from the lunch.

Hopefully this is the last time we go to Red Rock for anything—I would sooner go to the food court over t the Mall then return to RRBC.

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