Thursday, December 22, 2011

Gifting Challenged

The phone action at the office had nearly flatlined as we get closer and closer to Christmas. I am sensing many of those in need now that government support agencies and programs become less and less effective as we get closer to the final holidays of the year. I will get only the very most desperate calls now, of which I will be of very little help maybe I can pull a rabbit out of the hat if the need is not top severe, Our office staff has dropped to three and after today it will be two tomorrow and two for all of next week. I have decided to work between the holidays this year—typically, I have taken the time off but this year with Dianne babysitting at Asher's house I may as well be working then spending the time at home burning off Annual just because I have Annual to burn, I don’t know, maybe I'll come in half days, maybe, return any calls if I have any and deal with emergencies should any crop up.

I have totally failed as a person this year in area of gifting—my grand children will grow up hating me, I did the unconscionable and sent out Amazon gift cards—I shall never be able to walk among my children again. Locally I still have a couple of days to produce some grand fatherly gift but if you're one of my grand kids,kids or in law I would not hold my breadth. I think I have conned myself into believing I will,go shopping after the holiday and purchase gifts them. I will try to get my work mates something then—this kinda works sine half are gone on Holiday leave and will and will return till after the holidays. So, I can buy and leave on the desks of those next week. As for Christmas card electronic or otherwise I have sent non out. I don't know what has happened to me this year I M NOT HUMBUGING AS MUCH AS JUST NOT CARING AND THAT IS DESPICABLE. I truly need to repent. Maybe there is still time maybe. Maybe I can change things just a little and do something to increase my spirit.

I am tired though it has been a long week and I still have not fully recovered from the early rising yesterday to drive Dianne in to the Hospital for her procedure—the procedure WAS A success!! So much so that Dianne actually drove into the train-station last night to pick me up and today she is back washing Asher. I am actually looking forward to two three day weekends in a row.

Above is my gift from Frank( the oldest guy in the shop, I am the second oldest) Frank always comes through—I need to be more like Frank but that would fall under resolutions and is not till next week.

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