Thursday, December 06, 2012

Focus,Focus Focus!!!

I have been sitting on this information for nearly a week now, not really knowing how to approach the information’s dissemination or even if I should but in the end I think the event is worth writing about from my point of view and the whole irony which seems to infest my life. This entry also seems appropriate  as I notice I am writing more and more about my impending retirement and how this event will influence my life.

Last week, I think it was Thursday, I was sleepy, worn out by the week ,and I was feeling groggy as I headed into work .  I was dressed warm, had my Starbucks stacked in my back pack and I was cruising pretty well  over to my building. I could have easily fallen back asleep if I had not had to work today. But, I was sleeping a little as I rolled, I could tell—which is stupid. I need to be more focused. I have to cross at least two streets as I roll Eastward to my building. I came to one intersection and I checked the light and the “Walk” light had just come on and not even thinking to look for traffic I plunged out onto the street and I immediately hear rubber grabbing for and clutching pavement and when I looked up I was right, smack dab in the grill og an oncoming vehicle. Lucky for md the driver was awake enough to slam on his/her brakes stopping in time to save my chair and my life. The driver making a right turn on the light. I know this is extremely dangerous I have had several friends run over in their wheelchair—people come up to a light which is red and the driver is going to make the turn. The driver will check for on coming cars but never checks for  checks for wheelchairs or other pedestrians.

In my drowsy state I did not even register my near doom experience, it was only after I had gotten to the other side of the street did I realize what almost happened. I did not start shaking or anything like that  I just could get the picture of the vehicle’s grill looming right here to my immediate left. I thought about the incident all day yesterday and even into the night. On another note I was so frustrated that on the next block, I got confused with the lights and started crossing  against the light just as another vehicle came screaming round the corner—I realized what was happening at the last minute and slammed my chair into reverse and pulled myself out of the at the last minute: tragedy averted .

Over and over again I have heard or read of folks who retire dying days, weeks or months following following their retirement. Why? I don’t know but I am beginning to sense something happening to me which just might affect my mortality following my time following work. I need to wake up, I need to sharpen my focus to make sure I’m round long after the job is gone…

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