Thursday, September 17, 2020

New Mask


The temperature was supposed to get up in the 90s again today and then tomorrow the storm supposed to come in. This is not good to be a big storm but the temperatures will fall significantly and I sort of suspect that I will want to be inside. So I figured to enjoy this good weather to its maximum until it's taken away. I'm sure they'll be fine autumn days following the storm but this is definitely the ending of the summer temperatures. So, without in mind as well as convenient way to be gone during the coffee social time (rremember I'm boycotting the coffee social for a host of reasons). I was thinking since there's in art department at the community college, maybe they would have frames in the bookstore I was wrong but it was nice to be on campus and the vamp some of the energy off the kids cruising around the campus. I was also interested in getting another facemask possibly one with the community College logo or something. I was kind of amazed on searching on my own and not finding any masks and in the and I asked staff and they directed me to some masks that were pretty interesting but one of the staff woke told me that if I had my student number the community college provides a mask and sure enough after some after some fanagaling staff was able to find my student number and I was awarded a black facemask with the school letters. I'm not even rolled this semester but I had my number that's all it matters.

I ended up jumping the bus and heading further south getting off around 5400 S. and going to this craft store called Jo Anne's. Joannes is a big place with just about everything crafty in the store. I spent a lot of time just goosing around until I finally arrived at the frames. They had tons of frames and fortunately for me they had 2-for-1 sale going on. Most able to get beautiful set of frames that will be very handy with my new Picasso and whatever else I might end up getting. The only problem was I would not dare try to bring these home by myself. And: go to guy, my brother Carl is always stepped in to save the day. That was weird I wanted to pay for the frames and have everything taken care of so all of my brother had to do was pick them up but they would not let me do such a thing so the best I could do was put the frames on “hold” and then figure out a way to pay for them when my brother pick them up. They would keep the frames on hold for 48 hours then I was out of luck. My brother was working as well as had some family business to attend to but eventually was able to pick up the frames this evening. Now I have half the problem taken care of. I have some ideas about how to get the poster mounted in the frame that's posting for another day…

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