Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Just Another Tuesday

Almost like clockwork, the calendar changes and so does the temperature. I hate to be a boob but it's been fairly chilly all day long. I thought about putting on a long sleeve T but in the end just decided to go with stripes, horizontal stripes. I went out a couple times a day and sat in the sun which is doable slightly uncomfortable but the summer my face felt good and desperately needed. Yesterday afternoon I tried to close the window in my bedroom – – actually I Had been home health person, Annette,” window about three force of the way. Last night after listening to the weather I decided to try to close the window completely but was not able to get the last bit of space closed and it was chilly all night long. I should've gotten up at one point thrown another blanket on the bed but ended up suffering all night long. I haven't been to drug out today so it hasn't been a complete loss sleep wise. Tonight I am for sure dragging down one of the comforters I have in my closet.

I'm quite pleased with myself for having got my first of the month letters out of the way. The only letters of real substance was to my daughter Michelle. The two granddaughters received one page newsy items about me and my living environment and of course always a weather report and of course there two dollars. Do you want to hear something sad I think I may have Increase the monthly allotment but I've forgotten if I have are not so I'm staying at the two dollar a month level right now. I probably should do more but the two bucks seem adequate. It lets the girls know I'm thinking of them And how cheap the grandfather is.

So actually all things considered I'd had a relatively productive day. I've got the letters written, stamped and mailed. I paid the rent and wash 40 dishes./I know that does not seem like much but for me the kind of is. I need to sweep the floor, possibly mop the floor as well in the kitchen. I knocked over the fruit basket and produce when all of the floor after which I neglected to pick up some of the plums, immediately after the incident, and of course I squashed one of the plums on the floor next to the refrigerator. That had most of the food off the floor with a paper towel and a half-day soak. I'm desperately debating whether to finish picking up the produce important them back on the table and even mopping up the floor were the plum mishap took place. I should do this but most likely will not wait until Saturday when Annette comes to do the housekeeping. Sad, I'm not doing much and I feel kind of bad but not so much so that I will neglect my evening movie hopefully I'll have more interesting moments of my life tomorrow…

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