Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Waiting, waiting, waiting

I'm waiting. Patiently, I am waiting for the carafe to arrive so that I might, once again, brew my own coffee. Remember yesterday I figured out by using the top/lid to the spent carafe I got actually brew a couple of cups of coffee at a time. That worked yesterday specifically since I did not want to go out in the rain, across the street to the hidden peaks coffee shop. There was also the problem that three times a week when my staff comes to shower and toilet I really don't get going until 9 o'clock or so if I'm lucky. It's usually a little bit later. So today being Tuesday I was up early, the day was overcast but there was no rain falling only the threat. I figure what the heck go for it.

I was out the door by 7 AM, across the street purchasing my coffee. I was like going to the coffee shop especially when the owner is there, on weekdays. Likes me for whatever reason – – I've got gumption. I take a small cardboard box I picked up on one of my trips to the market. If I have my small backpack in the box I can wedge the coffee cup and have the cup be secured till I get home. Of course, I got a have a stopper in the top of the cup lid so the sloshing doesn't get too out of hand. They have really hot coffee. That's what I did today. I even bought a maple bar had been cut the maple bar in half so I could foist half of it on my neighbor. This makes me look like a good guy but in fact I'm just cutting my calories and half – – the ugly side of altruism. I got home took the coffee out of a cardboard box and placed it on the table. I have a twinge of doom for just a second then shrugged off the twinge and got on with making my humble little breakfast. Sure enough I was backing away from the fridge I bumped into the table hard enough that out of the corner of my eye could see the tall cup of coffee fall to the side. I was told impressed when I noticed that the lead with the stopper only led a small drizzle of coffee out onto the table. Wow, I thought to myself this must be my lucky day. I hurriedly turned the table and reached for the cup as soon as I put some pressure on the couple lifted upright the top popped off my splendid cup of coffee guest from the top of the table down to the floor. Somehow I knew this was going to happen and I was not surprised, not even miffed just figured it was par for the course. If this had been the only challenge of the morning I would've felt blessed. However, and you knew this was coming I had further challenges awaiting me.

You know how when you have something we take for granted and thence taken away you miss it, terribly. By the time I rescued the following cup of coffee which is just the cup there's a couple gulps left in the bottom and they tasted so good. I hurriedly mopped up the coffee on the floor using towels from the bathroom – – that's okay laundry day is tomorrow. I grabbed my bag and headed back across the street like always going at full bore. The proprietors glad to see me again, I got my coffee and and headed for the street to get to the apartments but all the sudden my chair shut down. Everything stopped. When I tried to turn the chair on nothing happened but after a few minutes the chair logo the came up as always. Eventually, the proper screen came up and is able to continue my journey only a few feet before the process repeated itself. Frustrating as this was it soon became terrifying as I waited again for the proper screen to come up on my chair so I can drive across the street in the chair once again stopped right in the middle of the street. Luckily this is a fairly isolated street and due to the time of the day no traffic that I have to deal with. I waited a minute or two and this time rather than consume away when the chair became functional I drove slowly. I don't know if by driving slow it was safer but I was able to get home and the chair is not been a problem since. However the damage is done. I don't have faith of my chair at the present time. If this had been the day like a normal Tuesday where I have to go downtown for my meeting I would not go for fear of being stranded. I'm even a little reluctant to try to cross the street to go to the market. I called my wheelchair shop and gave them my problems may have not yet gotten back to me. Worst-case be forced to use my backup chair for a day or two. There are other issues the phone call revealed that I won't go into here. I just think going to have to be a homebody once again until I can regain some faith in my fallen chair…

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