Sunday, February 13, 2022


I did it! I got out of my comfort zone and hit the road. I knew was going to be a beautiful day all the weather reports had just such a forecast. Clear skies and the prevailing high pressure system brought temperatures into the 50s. If the day was later in the year it would have been a classic beautiful spring day as it were today is a beautiful weird winter day. We've gone forever without a snowstorm or rainstorm or anything that brings moisture. But I plan to use the good weather better than I have been so today after breakfast of Mark Anthony I didn't return to the apartment but just kept on going to the bus stop all the way to the movies. I had to do the regal anyway since the subscription program I'm on got canceled when my credit cards were canceled. So I had to reestablish the program with the new card.

The earliest movie I could see, which I wanted to see, was Moon Fall the strange science fiction offering about a hollow moon falling into the earth and the gallant crew committed to saving Earth by saving the moon. To be honest I knew it wouldn't be too much of a world-class movie but there's certainly have a lot of great special effects and that's what I want to see. Which they did and I really do appreciate the special-effects. I might watch the movie again, since I can with the program I'm under, and get more of the parts of the movie I think I missed the first time around. I'm still trying to figure out just how they figure the moon was to be constructed to keep everything exactly the way they wanted it, they be in the population/civilization that put the moon in place billions of years ago. I'm always fascinated whether it's the science fiction pictures that have tragic events happening to the earth and its population and again we see this in the MCU where there he rose are battling taking out huge populations and cities even. Just think what the consequences of something like that would be and how would you even begin cleaning up something like that? So much to consider.

When I took off this morning to catch the bus I was immediately confronted again part one shoe in the middle of the sidewalk. This shoe looked like there had been a little trauma to it but it just is interesting to me. I let a couple of images pass that I have passed in the last couple months which I wished I'd taken images of the didn't but I got this one today. Once again I would love to do the story behind this shoe and wet so damaged. The shoe itself looks pretty good condition lies except for the top or something is definitely happened to it. Wonder what happened to the other shoe. I wonder if it's is damaged as this foot covering. I wonder if the body itself survived and input condition it is today. Aside from the shoe was no blood or anything else like that which leads me to believe the event wasn't totally horrendous. I have a friend who would like me to manufacture fiction about each of the shoes I found and what the story was that led the shoe to be on the sidewalk or the side of the road. I've dabbled it is a little bit that's a lot harder than I anticipated as far as making the fiction fit the foot.

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