Friday, February 18, 2022

Slow Day Friday


I washed clothes today. I realize is that a big deal and to be honest with you it was probably the most productive thing I did all day. Sadly, I tend to use a close washing event as a reason to stay home. I have to monitor the the clothes in the washer and then moving them into the dryer. Today things even took a longer time. Because, I actually forgot to push the on button after I put the coins in the machine and dropped the quarters into the coin box or whatever it's called. I don't want to call it a senior moment was the first time I've really ever done that. And keep in mind I was using the large front loader washing machine I don't know if anyone else wanted to use the machine. There was after all somebody in the washroom when I came change the washout to the dry. It was she then informed me that I had not started the machine.I felt chagrined of course, smiled sheepishly mumbled thanks as I press the button. It was only later that I to thinking that she had seen this why didn't she puts the button?. I would've. Not a big deal certainly not rocket science push the button start the washing and get the process finished.

The day was a beautiful day all things considered, lots of sunshine kind of warm but not warm enough to sit out and read. I tried of course, but there was a breeze just cool enough to be uncomfortable. Back to the apartment and I found some good backlight in the bedroom. I did work out however. I did pump the bike for 30 minutes let me break the 200 minute mark week. I could let it go now not work out again until Monday but actually part of the reason I pump the bike is that gets me or my body tired to the point where I sleep through the night and that's my goal. I truly feel like a lot of other positive results from my daily work out but one of the things I search for most is being tired enough to sleep and enjoy the process.

It's hard for me to accept/believe that I'm again on the cusp of a holiday weekend. Presidents' Day, not to be cynical but it really is a hard day to appreciate president-wise anyway. And of course the storm is coming in on the holiday itself stretching into Tuesday the day I have to be up early to be over at my new docs place by 7:45 AM unbelievable. I had forgotten this Tuesday was following a national holiday. I thought about getting a cab to make the appointment but I see that route 47 starts pretty early like 6 AM. I know if I get up way early on catch the bus and be there in time for my appointment. If I can't not going to worry about it too much. This is actually a meet and greet doctors appointment or I'm basically getting to know my new physiatrist. Well not much today to write about but I got my 500 words down and appreciate your efforts to read maybe tomorrow I'll have more…

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