Saturday, April 16, 2022

I Have A Life!


I'm not sure what the stimulus was/is what I woke this morning about 4:15 AM and I thought sure today was Easter! I really had it fixed in my brain that today was Easter Sunday. I didn't feel are want to go back to sleep because I was afraid I might miss the time to get up to be ready to go to breakfast with Mark Anthony and whoever. Adding to my confusion was the fact that Mark Anthony had not called or text of the message last night regarding are going to breakfast. I thought perhaps maybe he had forgotten. Just for the heck of it I went to the text message place where lists everybody who's online at any given time in your text group and sure enough marks icon was lit up. I quickly sent him a message asking if he was still going to breakfast. He said “sure no problem I'm told expected on going to breakfast tomorrow”. Of course I was taken aback as I began to shuffle through my brain calendar I realized I had no perception our memories of Saturday! The more I thought about it I realized that in fact today is Saturday and of course there are no memories because I have yet to create them. I tried to cover my goof up as best as I could. I don't know if Mark Anthony saw through it or not that I had messed up on my days. I think I'm pretty safe. I don't know if this incident was or is a factor of the aging process and me or maybe my anxiety or excitement for another time out with my son. It's possible earlier in the evening hours texting one of my daughters who graciously volunteered to include me in their Easter dinner by bringing over a plate of food. One of the traditions of this family on Easter is that Gabriel my son-in-law makes these great bacon laced deviled eggs. They would bring some over on Saturday but in the texting conversation it was “tomorrow” and somehow I think I got it in my head that “tomorrow” was Sunday and not Saturday. Anyway another senior moment I'm sure.

Spring is still struggling to break through with warm days of sunshine but not quite yet. I woke to a bit of a drizzle which is finally war itself out and just after lunch Bridget text me about coming over with the deviled eggs and maybe doing some time in the park. I of course was all up for this. I had spent some time in the morning trying to clean up a little bit sweep the floor which desperately needed attention from an evening of snacking at the table. I was tired but focused on at least getting the bags of garbage out to the dumpster. And again to my total benefit the kids showed up and they swept the floor not only took the garbage bag out the kitchen but emptied the the garbage pales in the computer room as well as the bathroom. I'm totally set for Monday and the next week. We went to the park and I swear earlier in the day I had been outside of the day was quite nice alarm wind blew and even though there was quite a bit of cloud cover the felt warm enough to enjoy a park but the time we go out to the park I guess the cold front had moved in and there was a cold wind blowing but we spent an hour or so wandering back and forth from the parking area to the swings were Asher has focused on swinging and enjoying the motion. He also has this great radio controlled truck that we drove all around the park it was quite fun the day was fun. I've totally enjoyed my strawberries and deviled eggs and look somewhat forward to Easter dinner regardless of what form it might take. It's so fortunate to have family to spend time with and to build memories and experiences to talk about the staff on Monday to let them in the world know that I have a life…

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