Sunday, April 17, 2022

Never Enough


I know I've used this image before when writing about Easter but it's just such a great statement on so many levels the just have to use again. I hope my dedicated readers will forgive. But today I've had a great Easter with a good smattering the family which seems to be a change for me at least four national type holidays. Typically, I'm pretty much a loner or have been since the divorce. Getting Christmas dinners if I made them similar Thanksgiving – – there have been a couple times when families abroad over a plate or something which has been deeply appreciated. But what by one daughter back in my life with relatively close contact geographically speaking received a lot of each other. Today, they brought over a great ham dinner for Easter and yesterday dropped off strawberries and Gabriel's famous bacon deviled eggs. We had a great visit in the apartment that wandered over to the park advantage of the swingset. Later on exploring the ditch/canal on the other side of the park. The canals finally full of water and the ducks seem quite overjoyed. I'm overjoyed one less thing to worry about.

One of my grandchildren is having to face going without Easter baskets for the first time cold turkey. I guess he had a bit of a meltdown seems to be overcoming the trauma of not having the basket full of colored eggs and perhaps the joy that goes along with the excitement of finding something just for yourself. I can certainly identify with the lad. Since I had an older brother who love to bedevil me I knew from early on there was no such thing as a magical lagomorph which deposits eggs (candy and real) as well as other gifts of the season depending on the financial status of the family involved. I was amazed as a parent thinking back about how much effort my mother put into such things. Like I said my brother destroyed the whole best for me early on but we always had the basket of goodies on Easter morning. Again I'm including the image because this is direct proof that I would ingest all of my treats without restraint then boldly go after who's ever basket was unattended. As can be seen in this image I'm boldly going after my older brothers basket. He basically swatted me away like a pesky fly. I know I was always brokenhearted when I finally exhausted the supply of the little candy eggs hidden in the depths of the basket with the fake green grass. I was always hoping there was another one but sooner or later we all ran out and for me it was always sooner.

I also like the image I've chosen because it shows the last of the first family of our household. Four others showed up after this image was taken and everything changed. We didn't get all one time seems like they were stretched out over 5 to 7 and eight years or something like that but is definitely different the candy at the bottom of the fake green grass just wasn't quite as plentiful and sweet after that…

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