Friday, November 18, 2022

Connection Frustration

I am a bit frustrated to say the least. For the past 2 days I've not been able to reach the Internet from my desktop computer or tablet. I just kept getting no signs of “can't connect to the Internet” finally I ended up calling X-finity . I actually got a letter in the mail from the tech giant and I really didn't pay much attention to it because I get these letters all the time. There usually statements are acknowledgments that my bill is been paid as I had it set up through my account my bank account to pay this bill on a monthly basis. Anyway, that's when I found out, when I opened up the letter, that my Internet been turned off and there waiting for me to pay $101 in back payments. This was quite frustrating because I have the whole thing set up through my bank. The only I can think of is somehow when I changed cards a month or so ago somehowXfinity dropped my account from my payment system. So what ensued this morning was a 45 minute discussion with a nice young lady on another continent who had a fairly decent grasp of English but not enough, I could tell, to understand what I was asking and somewhat demanding. Will the long and short of the whole issue was that I got myself on automatic pay again on a different card with the promise that they would be turning my Internet on again shortly. Well, of course as these things go, that is not happened yet and that was a good 8 or 9 hours ago. Fortunately I can still access the Internet via my cell phone but I can't get into a lot of things I like to from my desktop particularly ink pad notepad, a writing platform I use for this particular blog on the Internet. When I can't reach it through my desktop or tablet I really can't reach our change my blog which I usually do everyday. I know that eventually things will get taken care of and be put in order but that's going to take a lot of finagling on my part then of getting into my account and resetting the dates of when I posted so at least it looks like they're in chronological order. There was a time when issues like this used to make me a whole lot more frustrated. Now it's just go with the flow. Of course, if I can get to the Internet I have no access to Netflix, Amazon and other movie viewing platforms. I have not tried but I guess I might be able to access some of these platforms via my cell phone but really? Come on who wants to watch a movie or documentary on the little screen? I guess I could watch something like that in bed play like I was camping and watch the little screen and enjoy it somehow but just rolled around the apartment in trying to watch something or listen to music or whatever is a no go. I do have a stock of movies on disk – – I don't remember what the term is anymore – – I could watch for movies if I really wanted to do and hope that my desktop would not glitch itself out. I tried to watch a movie earlier this week just for the fun of it and got 3 force of the way through in the system totally stop playing. Technology and frustration can sometimes be the curse of the Friday nightin a freezing cold state…

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