Monday, November 07, 2022

Searching For Sleep… Desperately


I wish this story would get better or that I would get better I think I'm just being impatient but it's kind of spooky anymore to be this age know that anything is floating around out there to take you out. I had a very strange night to say the least. I went to bed okay in fact I was kind of excited because I was going to start reading the new novel and I picked up at the facility library earlier in the day. It's kind of weird read. These authors are Too of my favorites and have teamed up to write this volume but it seems like they've gone out of their way to make the read difficult. Thing starts out the multipage prologue which challenges the heck out of me just trying to get through it and enjoy the evening. Well, I did get through the prologue but didn't really enjoy the evening so much been turned over and went to sleep. My actually took a couple ibuprofen and shot of coffee medicine to slide me to the realm of dreams.

I woke with the natural urge to urinate about 3 AM. This is the big deal and that I had been little worried that I a little dehydrated. It seemed like a bit of a challenge more than usual to get myself catheterized and finally getting a flow going but eventually I emptied about 500 mL which is not bad and gave me some comfort. It was then I turned over to go to sleep but was confronted with major wheezing. Each time I drew a breath exhaled it just seemed the exhale got worse and worse louder and louder to the point where there is no way I was going to be able sleep. Usually, I can tumble right back to sleep but not this morning. It's not that I got frightened but I certainly got uncomfortable as I tried to figure out why I was breathing so erratically and wasn't pneumonia – – that super sickness that seems to be taking out so many singers these days? I mean I took the inoculation for pneumonia but hopefully I hope the inoculation was the right strain. Or perhaps it was something else to do with my respiratory tract. I finally came around to the idea that maybe it's because I'm so dehydrated. I filled my night water bottle before I went to bed so I rolled over and took a couple of cluggs from the model and for a moment I thought it did help a little bit. It would take a lot of liquid to hydrate me back to some form of normalcy. Long story short: I was up for the rest of the night this time however I was fortunate to have my cell phone with me fully charged and I did some searching on the Internet and the kind of reinforced my thought process that I was somewhat dehydrated and if I were to breathing a lot a shower moisture when I shower this morning as well is put a teapot of water on the stove to let the teapot act as a humidifier and see if that will be of any help.

I stayed in bed until a little after 6 AM giving up making coffee because I knew that Melissa would be here today for my morning ritual. Boy was I surprised she got rescheduled showed up like 2 hours early! I was also kind of surprised and amazed that what's gotten up breathing was a lot easier almost no wheezing from my chest of all. With the best things about having healthcare people like Melissa and Gloria is that they both know a fair amount of nursing. Melissa assured me I did not have pneumonia. That I did not need to get to urgent care just yet. (I was really planning on jumping the bus over to urgent care/Insta-care). On malicious comments I made that decision, I hope tonight I will not be sorry. If I do have such another evening of struggle, respiratoratorily speaking, I will get by knowing that I survived today I'll be able to survive tomorrow…

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