Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Back on the bus and Train

 It seemed all the what the guys could talk about last night and this morning was to be how cold it was going to be. How the temperature would be down below freezing and we all should be careful and I kind of bought into it actually- - and I'm smarter than that seriously I am. So I was kind of surprised this morning when I took off and rolled out of the morning sunshine and boy it was brisk and I had on my red warm coat I wasn't too cold actually and I rolled up to the bus stop and hung out there in the Sun for about 15-20 minutes before the 47 came to pick me up and it wasn't too bad. There was no wind and we're no clouds to block what little radiant energy was coming down so I just sort of laid myself back in the chair and enjoyed the morning watching the Jets come in from the East 5 to 10 minutes apart as long as I was sitting in the bus stop. I really believe- - and I've talked about this before I know - - that the weather guys just try to dress up the weather as much as they can to make it as significant to them and they're viewing public I guess but kind of is a disservice. Now, the cold systems passed and the next couple days are going to be warmer than normal which is pretty exciting to me because I don't think I have anything scheduled so maybe I can go out and do some rolling to a limited degree because I'm seriously suffering from Battery fatigue. The good thing about my battery fatigue is that I got word today that I am approved for new batteries as well as some upgrades to the chair that needs definitely to be fixed. Of course, that also means I have to give up my chair for a 24-hour period which means I have to schedule time with my caregiver to get me out of my chair the night before they pick it up. Turn around will be 24 hours so I won't be that big of a deal. They're picking up my chair 3 days before Thanksgiving and should have it back bye Thanksgiving not that matters but having some extended battery time would be great. Today I went just under 3.5 MI before I started getting the flashing signal that I'm running out of energy and I should be charging fast luckily I was nearly home when that happened and I was able to charge up enough during my arm bike hour to give me enough charge for the rest of the day since I wasn't going anywhere and just hanging around the apartment. Unless I get called out for something else in the week like a restaurant run or or something I need from the market I don't plan to be out too much unless I end up taking my charger with me. This is certainly awkward but doable. What I would do like if I were to go up to watch the movie or something drag the box with me then plug it in while I was at the movies to make sure I had enough power to get home. I might be overreacting..

Ps this image has nothing to do with today's post except that I stopped at fast food joint after I had finished my volunteer time at ASSIST inc you can't see it but there's a corn dog buried underneath the packets of mustard of course which I cannot use but the onion rings are great as was the corn dog

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