Friday, August 11, 2023

A Bump On The Walk

It was kind of nice to have a day that wasn't as busy as the days have been this week today. After Melissa finished this morning with my Friday needs and went her way I had only one project I needed to do and that was to cross the street and go get some vegetable juice for my daily drink that I make every morning- - I've rambled on about this before it's in the notes somewhere. Yet at the same time I wanted to make sure I got my 60 Minutes on the arm bike in and a couple chapters read in my book. So it's not like being out on the bus going in and out of buildings crossing streets and such but it still was a bit of a touch all the bases kind of day.

There is road construction all around my building it really is a challenge trying to find a way to get from point A to point B without having exposure self to either traffic or heavy equipment and again they usually chase you away as far as the heavy equipment goes. There is the long way around however which means I have to go down pass the park then cross the street at 4700 South and Redwood Road. All along the way there's little things that you have to negotiate just the little things enough to drive a person crazy. And today it was the work guys that are working in the holes they've dug on the street for whatever cables they're laying or fixing or whatever they're doing left the hoses across the sidewalk which makes it almost impossible for me to get over them. Actually the hose that's shown in the picture above I actually did get over it but it almost hit me over in the process kind of scared me. I suppose worst case scenario had I gone over these work guys could have picked me up and threw me back in my chair pretty easily but still you have that Terror when for a split second your chair is tipped at a weird position if you don't know if you're going to go or not you just power through it and soon as on the other side of the hose. It's bad enough having the roads torn up and everything but to have these work guys just leave their junk all over the sidewalk pisses me off. Many times they even parked their vehicles on the sidewalk don't they know that people still have to get around? I wish I could go ape shit crazy mad when I confront these people but I end up being civilized and forgiving them for not realizing there are tormenting somebody trying to get from point A to point B and that somebody was me. I made it though mature seems to be still running pretty good. I'm really beginning to enjoy the backup chair now almost maybe as much as I like the regular chair that's in the shop. I do miss the elevator function that light raises me up like 8 in that makes so much difference when you're shopping and stuff as far as trying to get stuff down from an upper shelf or even get things around the apartment in the kitchen area. I think it's going to be some time before they work on my chair and get it fixed and running again. Sometimes I get a little nervous as I'm running around I don't have a backup chair now there's something should happen to this chair I'm really out of luck. I suppose now that I'm a board member of The Independent Living Center I could possibly use some of the equipment they have stored over there which they have quite a bit. We'll have to see if that happens I don't think it will.

It wasn't really hot today it was in the low 90s so I guess it was kind of pleasant there are some Breeze blowing but not uncomfortable. I try to hold on to these memories as long as I can because I know the cold is coming back and the snow and the ice along with it. I hope to live through the winter to enjoy another summer. The Summers go so quickly just a flash in the months of the year. I'll enjoy the Autumn I think to a certain degree as well as the spring but the winter will be a challenge. I kind of think this new job as far as being a ulc board member it's going to keep me pretty busy and there's no harm in that…

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