Sunday, August 20, 2023

Hillary's cold shoulder

 I am not beside myself but I must admit that I am somewhat distressed how cool the weather is right now. I don't think it even got to the 80s today here in Salt Lake. Hi clouds and dark clouds from time to time permeated the sky with the sun just peeking through here and there giving the illusion or slash promise that it's going to get water possibly even hot but it just couldn't bring it off today. And I think it's probably going to be like this all week or for however long hurricane Hillary is active. Hurricane Hillary the West Coast hurricane that came ashore last night and it did lose its hurricane status and went down to a tropical storm but still I think where it's the eye of the storm like San Diego they're still getting drenched. I tried to watch the news tonight but as a little late and couldn't get a fix on what's going on with the great storm. And you know it's all climate change the conservatives still refuse to believe it but it's true. I'm sure there's a lot of West Coast territories that's going to get flooded and flooded bad as the storm washes over the West. We could get thunderstorms and that's not bad but this clouds and block into the sun in the heat needs to be rethought that's for sure. I tried to read outside for a little bit but it was just a bit windy and chilly and I kind of kept falling asleep. I could have slept better through the night and I didn't sleep through the night I woke up around 3:00 a.m. and then just light slept for the rest of the night for fear of not being able to get up when it was time to get dressed to be ready for breakfast at 8:0 a.m. I finally got up around 5:45 a.m. but realize I actually didn't get to bed till almost 1:00 in the morning. So it was fitful  sleeping at best. This evening I tried to get lost in one of the Marvel movies but it was just two cold I thought at one point I even had a partial blanket over me. This is just the beginning I'll be interested to see what other pieces of the storm we get here in Utah.

I was feeling a little antsy this afternoon and so even though I had things here I could eat besides I'd go out and try to find something to eat at a fast food joint or something and ended up over at the market Deli section space where I got a small container of mashed potatoes and gravy and the Frozen burrito well I got the burrito from the frozen section and nuked it at the eating area by the deli. It was pretty good I should have had something to drink but it was relatively inexpensive and I was able to hang out at the market. I even treated myself to an ice cream cone they'll have a nice cream cone of Softee for 98 cents. I don't want him to pile too many rims on it but I enjoyed eating it as I was going home from the market. Not much to report and no mind-boggling events happened just me and my own trying to stay warm and make it through the day and the start of a new week. …

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