Thursday, August 03, 2023

Welcome back Summer Sun

 I guess I was getting a bit stir crazy but I just decided I needed to test these batteries a lI guess I was getting a bit stir crazy but I just decided I needed to test these batteries a little bit better that I've been doing the last couple of days utilizing the chairs problems to keep me from going any where during anything. I had a pretty busy morning sort of, in my weird official capacity of member of the coffee group. One of the members, maria, wanted to have biscuits and gravy but her concept was pretty much different than mine. She she used those biscuits in a package that you have to break open and they puff up and then mixed gravy from a packet. My biscuits would have been different at least they would have been frozen baking soda biscuits and a can of sausage gravy. There was no sausage in Maria's gravy but it was still better than nothing and since I thought I couldn't get out and get cookies or anything because I was afraid my chair may not make it we had to rely on what was left over from last week's cookies and strangely enough we had enough to feed everybody reminiscent of a Biblical tale of one sort or another.

 it was good getting out and feeling some miles underneath the wheels of my chair. I think I have enough courage now that I would try going into the city next Tuesday for my assist meeting. I might bag up a charger just in case I get a little worried. Charger would be a good backup system but I plan to go there and Back Again nowhere else unless I were to go to a wheelchair shop to have this chair looked at but quite frankly I'm so embarrassed because I peed in it so much that really needs to be diffumigated. Hopefully my other chair will be fixed shortly and then I need to figure out a way to get this into the other shop to have them look at it cuz I think it's a relatively easy fix with one wheel seems to be rubbing and if that's the case can something be done cuz other than that it would not be a bad chair I don't think. And the chair I think I could get used to using if I really had to . The major project I'm dealing with now with this backup chair, if I do get the wheels repaired , would be acquiring new batteries.

I'm pleased that it looks like the wet weather / Monsoon is moving on hopefully they warm weather will come back and dry everything out it's supposed to and I'll be pleased with that but I think we're done with the super hot temperatures for this year I think but no one knows because these are different years than ever before. But it looks like for the next couple days anyway the temperatures will be getting back to normal staying in the double digits in the 90s if I'm lucky but they're definitely coming down and August will someday soon become September...

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