Sunday, September 29, 2024

Lucky Duck


I'm one lucky duck. That's not new information Anyone who reads this blog must know how lucky that I am and all manners of that word. Today is a case in point that I'll try not to make two bigger deal out of but still it was a big deal to me. We've been going to the same joint for breakfast the last couple years Mark and the kids and me Dee's Restaurant which is just a a few blocks from my apartment complex. It's very easy for me to get there but the trade-off is the service has gotten really poor the last couple of years as well as the food perhaps. We actually had to fight off flies a couple times this last summer so we're looking at expanding places to eat and one of the places we've gone lately is place called Penny Ann's Cafe for PAC. We went once or twice this last summer and it was a breath of fresh air that's compared to Dee's. It's a little bit further from my apartment complex but not too far I can get there very quickly on transit and I can actually roll there if I had to but it's a bit of a jaunt. I think PAC is a little bit more expensive then Dees but not significant. The service is pretty good, staff is nice the portions are pretty large- - not that the size of the portions is important to me. They have tables I can get under relatively easy compared to the other place. That's where we went this morning. As I said I have to take the bus so I have to make sure I'm up and ready to go so I can get there a little bit early to catch the bus. This morning I got the 7:40 bus which is about 10 minutes late but who's counting? Penny Ann sets off a little bit for the main drag where the bus let's be off so I have to backtrack a little bit. It sits in the back of a number of other establishments. I don't know what was going on in my head this morning but I don't think I was super sleepy I thought it was fairly focused. As I was ruling to the back of the area where Penny Ann's is located I am on some sidewalk and I have to be careful because I was on the one piece of sidewalk and all the sudden I realized I was closer to the edge then I had anticipated. I stopped my power chair just in time and got myself back to the center of the sidewalk. I went down the ramp and I thought I was at street level at that point it seemed like I was and so I was somewhat distracted I guess as I started going forward towards the restaurant. As I said I came off the one sidewalk that I thought I almost turfed it on and as I went forward I didn't really notice much but I was on another sidewalk that I thought was ground level as I mentioned and suddenly I felt myself going over the edge of the sidewalk. I was totally confused and totally freaked out knowing that this was it I was going to be going over and I was going to be hitting the concrete or whatever. It was even more surprised in a second when I didn't go over and found out that my foot pedals or foot box had caught me from going all the way over and the fact that I was strapped in to the chair with my safety belt also kept me in my chair but I was totally hanging out. This was putting a lot of stress on my lower stomach and everything and it took me a second to get reoriented. I was basically hanging out of my chair and I didn't know if it would do any good I was beginning to have some problems breathing and I then shouted “ help me! Help!” and to my surprise the head popped up in a car in the other parking lot. This guy saw my problem jumped out and ran over to where I was sitting or hanging. Of course I'm too heavy along with the power chair for him to try to pull up and of course he didn't speak a word of English and my Spanish isn't that great. But I stuck my arm straight up trying to get us intention to have him pull me so I'm sitting back into the chair which eventually did when I did that it's the whole chair seemed to sit back up on its Wheels to the point where I could push my lever forward and my wheels begin to catch in between me driving my chair and the other guy rocking my chair I was able to get enough traction to power me out of my predicament and get back on the pavement fully. I was really worried that something had gone wrong with my chair or I'd done some damage to the chair but as of yet I see no problems everything seems to be working fine. The foot box must be really sturdy to catch the weight of myself in the power chair as it did but so far everything seems to be working great and I didn't Turf it. I am really beginning to worry that if something like that were to happen and I wasn't strapped in I could break some bones I'm not much of a senior and that could almost be the end of me. Anyway that's my heroin story for the day. I'm at the kids had a great breakfast and a pretty good day. I went to two movies I was kind of proud of myself …

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should be proud of yourself, you are amazing person! I am glad to hear that you are ok and that incident was not worse. It is also great to hear that there are good samaritans out there willing to lend a helping hand at a moment's notice. Take care and god bless.