Friday, December 08, 2006

I Need Some Air


It’s Friday after noon and the state server just went down and I am coasting till going home time. I have a couple of hours still on the clock but I am just basically answering phones till 5:00 pm. Actually, under the “old” regime” I would be on my way home by now, having worked through a couple of lunches last week and this week. For some reason the new boss just does not like letting you go for “overtime” hours. If I pressed the issue with her I believe she would give me the time but I know she would not want to. I also feel strongly if I pressed the issue to “Hour and Wage” at the state level they would rule in my favor. Granted I sure do not wish to fill out all the over time business but it could be to my advantage since , as I understand the law if you do overtime work and elect to take time instead of dollars a worker can then be compensate a 1 ½ to 1 or gor every hour worked over you can then enjoy one and a half hours. So, I’ll have to see.

It’s a beautiful day outside. The inversion have moved in: warm air on top trapping the cooler air on the bottom. Almost 50 “sunshine” degrees outside, The sun feels great. The onlt draw back is the air is lethal, I am going to find ky surgical masks I have in the garage I use when I am sanding sticks, the masks will atleast strain the air and let scare the snot of folks who may be riding with me on the train. The air quality of this valley always sucks in the winter hut the quality really gets bad when an inversion is in place. I have herd of physicians selling the practices and relocating their families from the Wasatch front because the “soup” is so bad. I can see a haze over the city as I move round but it’s just hazy. It’s when you get up q couple of hundred feet like driving up the canyons and you physicially pass from one level to the ‘clean air “ zone that you can really perceive the difference; not only in clarity but in temperature. Sometimes it five to tn degrees warmer above the inversion. And being above the inversion you can look into the valley and just witness how filthy the air is.

I had to go to my Department of Determination Services (DDS) over lunch. A bit of a bore of a meeting but the Director always provides a good lunch and since I am Chair of this board I sort of have to be there. Luckily the DDS building is close to the train making the trip easy and fast. I get out of the office and get to ‘run ‘ the city a city. I hate to say it but the day is so beautiful; and so warm I started getting hints of Spring Fever. It’s not even technically Winter yet. Still have about a week and a half till Winter Solstice. Hen I can get the fever but not before.

Tomorrow I’ll introduce you all to Ginger, the newest addition to our family.

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