Sunday, July 11, 2010

Captain Dunsel

It's three o clock on my Sunday afternoon—that time of the weekend when you know the weekend is over and that tomorrow you are returning to work to slave for another forty hours and the next weekend of three wonderful days or R&R. Not that really do anything worth while on my time off, which I realized from the past couple of weeks healing up from the minor skin wound I had—where I missed work and voluntarily sent myself to bed. This bed time was where I realized that on most weekend, I watch TV , read and just hang out. I sometimes count the time I spend on my lap time as productive weekend time but really I could have accomplished most of this effort laying in bed.

Yesterday for example Bridget and Gabe came over to help Dianne load trash in to Gabes trailer when he ran out to the dump. Dianne has been in a mind boggling effort of get the house for the insurance inspection. We have taken t least four loads of garbage to the county dump. Limbs, and tons of fire wood and just building wood which has lain in our back yard for decades, getting grayer each year—actually I was ‘curing’ the wood to use to build small boxes …some day. Well someday never came where the day of the insurance man did. Everyone was working, chopping, pulling or selling. Anakah felt yesterday would be a good day to open up her beverage stand and trying to make some money. So rather then look like a complete donsel I was Anakah’s support person which is basically there to stand by to buoy her up when sales don’t go as she wish they might have.

We began the day with seaching my paper supplies to find an adequate piece to be the poster for the front of the coolaid stand—then the magic markers and the setting the stand up. Anakah was focused on marketing ‘real’ lemonade in fact Anakah arrived with six shinny yellow lemons in tow plus numerous 12 packs of pop and bottled water.

The day was a beautiful day clear, mostly of clouds, hot and full of promise. Anakah sat on the lawn strip right off the street in front of our house, a perfect place to be seen by folks diing past in their cars or on their bikes. So Anakah was in from of her ice chest and sign and I was back on the ramp, under the trees a d we waited` and we waited. But they hords did not show. Cars drifted by in one and two vehicle clusters but no one stopped.—family members purchased can of this or that and a couple of neighbors came buy and purchased a can of this or that but in reality maybe three ‘real’ customers stopped by to purchase drinks and in one case someone stopped gave dollar and drove away—the high point of her day was someone bought a bottle of water and paid with a five dollar bill and gave the change as a tip and Anakah was ecstatic. We manned the stand until 7:00 pm. The trash had been hauled off and the yard spruced up and Gave hd even got the sprinklers operating. I was burned out from doing absolutely nothing except assist Ani in her sales operationbut I was exhausted by the end of the day Anakah and I had the “good daya and bad days talk” and what a sales person has to do isa keep stepping up to the plate and get ready for the next pitch and every day is a new day

I noticed today on the table when I got up was Anakah’s cash box—she cared about the sales I am sure. I believe she like the meeting people and the sales concept and having access to unlimited beverages but not enough to take her hard earned cash home—very strange—unlesss what sh wqas really there for in her lemonade stand , all day in the searing sun was to make sure certain Grandpa was taken care on ‘clean up day.

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