Sunday, July 18, 2010


Just a few words for now just let it be known the Reunion is over and family is returning to their homes--but it Reunion was a good event--we missed some folk and I feel a bit of a loss and hope I can make contact with them in the near future--be we had some fun in the heat and the food. This was the first Reunion since mom died and things are still a little rough--it seemed to me--but Paul and Carl pulled it off even with with a visit from Aunt Elaine who did a cameo for a couple of hours on Saturday.

Cousins were sparse(young ones anyway) but what there were seemed to have a good time playing manically`letting their parents gab relentlessly about the old times. Fried chicken was the main course and lots of chips and watermelon and home made rootbeer--too much food but better to error on too much to eat then too little...I hope to get some images up soon...happy summer.

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