Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Stop Whining Please

I’m working today, the butt seems to holding up but I’ll know lot better when I get home and can get a look at what today’s trauma wrought. The weekend was nothing but laying in bed, sleeping and reading and watch the holiday and summer flow right down the drain. I actually got up for a little while yesterday to write Macs letter but when the letter was done I as back flat on my back or side.

The fireworks must have been grand this year I listened to the fireworks, Friday night, Saturday night and even Sunday night. It really sounded if the works were being launched close to our house if not the neighborhood. In the past there has been some of the neighbors who have gotten pretty large, illegal and effective fireworks probably from Evanston, Wy (2 hours ) and each episode of launches seemed to last at least twenty minutes of continued explosions. I missed them and so did Dianne.

I really get hold of myself and start realizing how lucky I am. When I was for a short while one of the morning I consulted the internet, going to one of my favorite websites http://www.apparelyzed.com/index.html and researched comments regarding decubiti wounds read how any folks were out there who have been bed ridden for literally years and they get by. I have even had callers who been down for two and three years so really I must count myself lucky and smart being as proactive as I am trying to be. But, being proactive can sure be a grind.

But seriously, people please tell me to stop whining and just deal with it.

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