Tuesday, July 12, 2011

He Who Is Without Sin...

I think in many cases I am my own worst enemy. I don't try to be mean or vicious but it seems my dark self comes out. This last week has been good cases in point. I unfairly unloaded on my friend Dennis last week after our lunch, because he tried to do me a favor. He tried to get me involved with his MLM. I should have given Dennis the benefit of the doubt and not judged his work choice. Sometimes I think I am just mean.

I really cannot talk about having had work experiences in less then generally socially acceptable occupations. I discovered over the years that I am pretty good telemarketer. There I said it, its out on the table : I was one of those guys who call your home and tried to get you to purchase something anything over the phone. Telemarketing did not come naturally, to me at first. One of my first work experiences, I refrain from calling it a job, was with the Kirby Vacuum Sales rep who was in the same ward as me. His name was Bob and believe it or not he owned a gold Kirby for selling over 1000 Kirby vacuums in one rear. Bob “hired” me to set appointments. I was terrible. I just did not believe anyone reaslly bought stuff in quantities large enough to make the telemarketing experience worthwhile.

It was not until after my university experience and numerous math and stat classes that I began to see the world as a set of probabilities: and given a large enough sample set a desired outcome should and could occur i.e. the more calls you made the greater chance of success. It was my first real job out of University building and selling wheelchair vans—I worked for a crook who liked to hold out on the money he owed me. My shop attendant taught me I could make money selling junker batteries back to the battery shop. I devised a formula for calling houses after work, before 9:00 pm. I use the Polk directory, a fabulous volume which listed phone numbers of peoples houses by street—if I madly called each house, in order down the street, I would invariably “kick up” two to three batteries and since these batteries would be in the same neighborhood, I was not burning up tons of gas. The more calls the more batteries. I made a script and kept to it an the script worked. Five or six years and a divorce later I was brand new to Sal Lake City, working making OK money but I needed something to do after work and the weekends to keep me out o trouble. I don't remember how I found out about the place but I started working for a major call room. I was working a place called the Nice Corporation. Nice was a contractors working a host of different contracts. We did warranty extensions, magazine sales and condo timeshares in Europe. We called four hours a night from 6:00 -10:00. We start selling on the East coast and “walk” the time zone West until we got to the West coast. Many night I was “high sales”. I saw my self as a hired gun. I did ok—i WAS GOOD.!

So once again Dennis apologize—we all have a checkered past and mine is telemarketing

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