Saturday, July 23, 2011


It took all week all week to finally get custody of my new tablet, the Toshiba Thrive. To achieve this required numerous calls to best Buy my credit union and eventually get my new friend, Wayne at the credit union to contact Dakota's boss at Best Buy. I still don't understand, all I needed was an invoice to my credit union who would have instantly cut a cashiers check to Best Buy.

Calls seemed to be flying back and forth between my office and the two institutions I was dealing with. I was not trying to get Dakota in trouble but the poor kid could just seem to get it together. I was reinforced at some point when I spoke With Erin(sales person who answered the phone more then once when I called Best Buy for a status check and she I formed me she thought Dakota was in over his head and Costa the store manager would figure it—Dakota should never have handled the sale. In fact the last couple of times I called asking for Dakota, the lad was gone-- and at the end it was like the kid never existed—I was getting a weird feeling I was dealing with an episode from X-files or 24.

On Wednesday I took what I thought was going to be an hour of Annual I was going to zoom out to the credit union pick up my check the head further down the street to the Best Buy and purchase the Thrive have the folks apply the screen protector and head back to work, charge the tablet and enjoy my new toy. I did pretty good on the trip down south to the credit union but the transit system could have been quicker. I got the check and a quick lunch at Micky D's and caught the bus to Best Buy. It took longer then I had expected for the screen protection but not bad and no sooner had I got the Thrive loaded into my back pack then the left side of my seating system fell off literally. Nothing really serious but awkward as I tried to kim myself in the wheelchair and still drive the char back to work. I was going to have to stop at my wheelchair shop, Magic Rest which I knew was going to really eat in to my Annual.

The bus took for ever to come but eventually came rattling by. At Magic Rest I qualified forth ten minute quickie, a free service if what ever is wrong with your chair can be repaired in ten minutes. I my case I just needed a bolt put in a lock device and tightened.

When I returned to my office I had used more like four hours of Annual, which I have to use but I was hot and tired but pleased and a little excited. I plugged in my new machine and started returning calls and trying not to focus on the the Thrive. We went to Auni's last ball game with her visiting Aunt and Uncle and by the time I got home I just wanted to read.

I have started to use the system now. I like it—I think the thrive will serve me well. I just wish getting it had not been so challenging.

1 comment:

riptideselkie said...

I wrote an awesome comment and then failed to be able to remember what my log in was.
Anyhow, great perseverence on the sales process. Congrats on the new tech. I hope you enjoy it.