Sunday, November 11, 2012


Snow fell during the night-hell snows fall the last three days some from storm and a great deal from Lake effect that weird phenomenon that happens here in Salt Lake from the great Lake just to our. I've seen Lake effect before but never with the impact of the storm. The trees are beautiful life all decked out in white lace. The cold which the meteorologist promised would follow the snow is here plus preserving the beauty of the lace. I can feel the cold of the house even though the furnace is raging to fight the creeping cold. It doesn't matter that I'm naked and not dressed since Saturday. It's just easier with cathing and all to stay naked with easy access to my penis. Still the cold is a grim reminder that the next four months will be challenging at best.

Lucky for me I will not have to leave the house now till Tuesday morning, today being Veterans Day and all and sense I am still a state employee, and Veterans Day is recognized by the great state of Utah as a holiday. Now my colleagues at United Way 211 are not as fortunate, bummer. I do feel little guilty being gone tomorrow, Monday since Monday's are the slam days but I think they'll do okay get by without me. Now that toys for tots has closed. You have to admit between Toys for Tots, Gift of the Drummer and Angel tree we have been run fairly ragged. I sense the next build up calls coming as we close in on Thanksgiving. Food boxes I. E. Thanksgiving dinner boxes are the next blitz. Interestingly as of Friday the operators have yet to get any firm confirmation of who well the dispensing the turkey boxes. And so it goes, now till December when the Christmas food boxes will have their run. The we have had only a few calls for VITA the free senior tax preparer program. I understand the vita program is the last big push of the year into the new year. I think vita well be winding down just as I leave in February. Interesting.

I was talking with Frank, my compadre at the other office, last week and he indicated my boss was still a little miffed that I was not being offered the position at 211 when I retire state. I told her I don't want to work at 211 as a 211 employee or more specifically as an employee of United Way. It's not that I have anything against the organization it's just there to rah rah there for me--too many rules, to plastic, they actually have stringent dress codes everything from blue jeans to nipple protection and is enforced. In the past 211 staff have been spared this clothing assault but with the new " enforcer" I'm sure things will not change. No, I do not want to work there as a United Way employee especially as a 211 operator. But I am beginning to wrap things up. Staff both 211 and United Way are beginning to realize I won't be there much longer and they seem genuinely sad--I feel sad but I think I'm finally beginning to look forward to retirement. Snow fell during the night and I feel cold.

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