Sunday, April 29, 2018

Dem Bones!

Today turned out to be somewhat beautiful to look at but a bit challenging to be in even if the temperatures were in the 70s. I was a couple times to test the weather and each time the cool drove me back in the apartment. I have spent the entire day nurse-maiding a pot of beans. Pinto beans I've had such good luck in the past doing pinto beans I was quite surprised that this batch has been so difficult. I purchased what I thought was a package of ham hocks but turned out to be neck bones. I'm sure the neckbones well be all right the bones are just awkward in the crockpot full of beans water green peppers chopped and onions chopped.

My butt hurts today I don't know why. I don't think it's pressure I just hope is not cleanliness after all it's the second day and tomorrow Dana returns. I am pleased that I've gotten everything I needed Saturday so I did not have to go out today. The wash is done leaving me to focus on my beans. I got up late, not sleeping very well so I really didn't have a good breakfast except for a slice of spam but actually I opened an slice last night so it would be easy access to make a great breakfast this morning then I blew off the opportunity. I also got the hamburger out to de-thaw. The hamburger bled over everything. Truly turned into a pain in the butt. Thought about meat loaf or maybe meatloaf patties but the day ran out of time or I ran out of energy or my butt hurts too bad. I did some drawing and watched a movie. I really appreciate the ream of paper Mark gave me a couple months ago is working very good for this art project of red donkeys and black donkeys, apocalyptic donkeys. I need to be drawing every day. My relationship with my Neverland friend is very good for me and my trying. I'm just amazed how much drawing they do, real artists. She teaches art/trying all day and then draws all night it seems like. I communicated with her a little on Friday she was just out the door to Rome! What an interesting life she leads she is truly a professional. However, when I chat with her I like to tell her I've been drawing she likes to hear this, I think. I'm somewhat embarrassed when she sees my work but she's very supportive and I like that.

For some reason like beans are like tender today so I'm going to cook them into oblivion even I have to leave them warm all night long. I would not mind if they turned into frijoles by data that would happen I think I used way too much liquid. I was also surprised at how much fat the neck bones rendered . I don't think these beans are going to be as good as others I've made. However I've enjoyed the process even though I destroyed my kitchen once again. The cleaning woman comes on Tuesday.

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