Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Desperately Seeking Clothes

My very tired clothes

I kind of dressed up yesterday not so much for my showing at the rehabilitation facility and meeting with my occupational therapist but for the retirement function I went to later on in the day for Claire my boss of yesteryear. I was a little embarrassed, when all I started out because I didn't have a shirt that really didn't have holes anywhere on them. I have a pair of dockers that passed muster but I actually felt a little embarrassed about my shirt. Honestly, my wardrobe, what it is, is wearing out. I have a couple pair of slacks I could use if I have to do another retirement function, funeral or function that would take place in a church for one reason or another. But, my tops are wearing out. Sometimes, if needed, I can get away with wearing a fairly decent shirt covered with a vest. I have one fast which gives me the illusion of being somewhat dressed up. I relied heavily on Dianne and Bridget who tried their best to dress me for over 20 years. I did not appreciate their efforts and help and now I am out on my own and looking like a ragamuffin.

I have tried. I have really tried and I just cannot do it. I cannot find clothes that fit. I have a mental vision of myself/size that does not compute with the real world. Invariably, I buy clothes that look like they should fit get but when I get home and try the clothes on the garment is too short, too tight or just unmanageable. I'm going to have to embark shortly on another scouting trip to see what might be available. I refuse to accept I have to shop at someplace like Big And Large! I should be able to buy off the rack, I'm not that big. I see guys walking around out there with much bigger bellies than I have. Last summer I thought I had my problem licked when I, on a lark, was downtown coming home from meeting and stopped in at the Sears and was trying to find some T-shirts for summer. I had gone through the racks two or three times and did not find anything which looked like it was in my size. Then I was approached by this ancient woman who was a store employee and asked if she could help. I said sure – what do I have to lose? I told her however there is nothing in her store that would fit. She looked at me and smiled (she really was a doll). I was shocked/blown away when she returned with three or four shirts. She knew exactly what she was looking for and where to find it. The shirts fit! I was going to return a couple months and search for slacks and other pieces of clothing but Sears collapsed. Sears had been in the process of closing the Utah properties in my downtown Sears was the last in Utah. I don't know what happened to my older lady friend who knew exactly what she was doing but Sears is gone and so is she.

It's hard to shop, for me to shop by myself, I can't try things on like normal people. I don't have anyone to go with me to see what looks good I might look good on me and particularly knows if something might look good on me or fit me for that matter. I've got to find some who can. I spent a couple hours with my friend Lori this morning over coffee and she had an interesting suggestion that I consult my occupational therapist see what he says. I balked at the idea at first but the more I considered my thoughts you might have something. Casey my OT might have an idea. I doubt if he would go shopping with me but he might know somebody who would. It's worth a shot.

I have sport jackets I just need a couple pair of slacks tops maybe a sweater and another vest before fall in the Gala holiday season

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