Monday, January 03, 2022

First Day


Today was a beautiful day for the first day of the year along the Wasatch front. Bright sunshine bouncing off the snow which came the last couple of days. The air was crisp and cold and since there is no reason to be out and about I wasn't. I spent most of the day writing my kid letters. I got a lot of them finished and should be able to give a mailed out by Monday when the world will crank back into normality. The holidays done and the new year started and the beat goes on.

I wish I did better on images. I don't really try I just try to snap something the moment that I see something which interests me especially if it's something that I might be able to use them on my writings especially my blog. I haven't really talked a lot about this a while over last week, Christmas week, I posted my 4000 blog. I don't know why but that really impresses me. Of course I done more than 4000 4000 just a number that I posted. Anyway, the image am using today is one I took last week when I ran over to the dollar store to pick up a couple things I thought I'd needed before the great storms hit. This image is of a woman kneeling in the aisle in front of the spice racks. I'm just amazed at the price of the spices at the dollar store yes I know they are a dollar like the name of the store states. And these are regular spices in many cases the same brands in the store next door for three or four times the same cost. I was on my way over to look for some spices when this lady came up and squatted down front of the racks. I figured to myself no problem no big deal I'm sure she'll be quick. I took off look at other things and items that I might be interested . I was gone about three minutes four minutes I figured enough time for her to either find what she's looking for or get bored and move on but I was wrong. Anything she seemed more focused so I sighed to myself and went and look for further items. 15 minutes later I returned after wandering up and down the candy section and cookie section. And I came back once again and now she was sitting down slowly picking out one bottle of spice after another and then writing something down in a notebook of some sort. Seriously, it had been a half an hour. I wasn't necessarily angry just dismayed because I knew that there is probably no way they had the spices I was interested in but I still wanted to see. Eventually, I came around again and she was gone and I checked on my spices then so was I but some things just make you wonder. Life is short and I hate to waste it with you for the spice…

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