Friday, May 13, 2022

Beware Friday The 13th

Finally the weather is warm enough to sit out and enjoy the sun and read which is what I did a good part of the afternoon. I can't remember I enjoyed my reading time is not just an just exception of a few thing,one being the presence of a slight breeze and stopping of individuals and enough their vehicles. I know my fault. I should find a place where I'm not so easily accessed. Usually, these interruptions or not such a big deal. However, one of my neighbors has taken a liking for me that I don't quite understand. She's ancient, even older than I, yet she still drives and obviously is access to capital. I have written briefly before regarding Marta and things showing up anything from the handle of my front door. We had a visit pretty much put to rest the “mystery” packages of meat and produce. Yesterday they started again! This time there is no mystery lady stopped by where I was reading, and the sunshine in the back of our building. Chatted for a minute or two. She been in the market was carrying a few packages or sacks of groceries. She indicated when the markets at a good price on beef. Marta then said she would get some beef and split it with me. I immediately indicated that was not necessary and then she indicated that I've made a meat eater out of her. Now you have to realize this will is from a group of individuals who delight in good health which they believe comes from a protein free diet. My aunt and her husband was much like that. They lived to eat healthy.

So not only should now be cuts of meat from the Smiths market down the street but Marta is now clearly poisoning herself trying to just be just because she wants to split the purchase of the beef with me. Today, she also foisted frozen vegetables, while still some kind of candy treats +2 boxes of crackers which on inspection are some of my favorite kind of snack crackersI will enjoy these crackers if nothing else. Today included the “gifts” was a small roast or could be a thick beef steak. Now I just have to figure out how I want to cook the slab of protein. I don't know what to think or how to handle this situation. I wish my friend Dennis was closer , you know want to do. I'm definitely going to cook the steak as well as enjoy the snack crackers and ponder how to stop this weird event from happening. Or maybe just passing progress let nature take its course can't be too much longer special with the addition of red meat to Mart's diet.

I can blame my lack of an activity today on the superstitious character of the day. I didn't want to push my comfort zone too much after all I started out the day with my bowel movements and I almost flippantly informed the caregiver that I have not had any bleeding in two or three weeks. She winked at me and said be careful you don't want to jinx yourself. And as soon as Gloria sentence I knew I had jinx myself and sure enough droplets of blood trailed on the floor behind me I should move me from in front of the sink to the shower chair – – I was in my lift. Sure enough I was bleeding. Happily however not as bad as before but just enough to put a blemish on the day…

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